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Where I'm at..

visualcreedvisualcreed Member Inactive ⭐
I jokingly started saying I was going to be a lawyer about a year ago. Towards the end of February I found out that our local law school was accepting applications for next fall until July 7th and would accept the June LSAT. So I made the decision I was going to try getting in this fall. I have no aspirations to go to Harvard or Yale or anything like that so I figured it shouldn't be too hard to get a decent score and get into the local school. So the first week of March I took a PT and scored a 153. This was inflated because the logic games should have been a 0 as I was completely lost. At the time I was scheduled to fly to Japan for a vacation and I brought along the LSAT Trainer which I heard good things about. I read a few chapters and I started to feel a bit more comfortable with the way the LSAT works. I still was pretty lost with the games so I started searching and of course thats how I found 7Sage. At first I was going to just use the free games reviews but I like to support helpful things so I decided to purchase the starter package since I only had a few months anyway I wouldn't get through the ultimate package. Fast forward to now about 7 weeks into my LSAT training and I've consistently been hitting the 160s with my highest being a 165 last night. Logic games have become my strength and reading comp my weakness the exact opposite of my diag. I really want to hit a 165 during the June test but a 160 would probably get me in.

As I browse these forums for inspiration I don't find many people posting their scores or their full stories so I wanted to hopefully give some people inspiration if you're just starting out or to find advice from those farther along.

My current study regime is a 3 day cycle, day one is a PT plus BR/review, day two and three I do one set of logic games, reading comprehension, and drill a LR type. I'm not saying this is the best way to go about it but it's been working for me. I work full time so I squeeze some practice during work and finish up after. I feel confident in most games so i just do them to maintain. The LR I could improve but like the reading comp it's all about mental toughness for me, I can't stop daydreaming in the middle of a passage. I recently started marking up passages as I read them sort of like how JY does it except mine are mostly nonsense scribbles but it has helped because I'm more focused in the passage although my markings hardly help at all.

Anyway hope this helps someone or at least gives insight to how someone is going about this whole crazy LSAT journey, right or wrong.


  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @visualcreed if you dig around a bit you'll find some of our "stories," but I agree that there is a dearth of transparency plaguing the LSAT community at large. I think we do a much better job here (as opposed to TLS for instance) of being honest with one another and talking about both highs and lows as well as plateaus and middle-ground.

    Another good thing to do is add people as "study buddies" so that you can see folks' PT/BR scores. That's a good source of a "reality check"—I'm a couple PT's behind in terms of recording my own, but I've found this feature to be very helpful.
  • visualcreedvisualcreed Member Inactive ⭐
    326 karma
    You're right I've seen a lot more stories here than TLS. Its been an inspiration seeing everyone aiming for such a high score. I really wish I had the time to get to that but my situation isn't the normal one. Thanks for the study buddies tip I haven't put all my scores up but that sounds like good stuff.
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    TLS tends to have a groupthink mentality that if your diagnostic score is below a 145, then you shouldn't go to law school. I caught on early and decided not to announce my low diagnostic score (130's). If you stick around on there, there are plenty of high scoring individuals to get tips from but it's a brutal place. I prefer the open acceptance of this forum!
  • AlexanderL0AlexanderL0 Alum Member
    239 karma
    My diagnostic was 144, I just scored 156 on a PT today. My goal is 160+
  • visualcreedvisualcreed Member Inactive ⭐
    326 karma
    @ddakjiking I agree 7sage seems much more accepting. Sometimes it seems that all the high scorers just naturally were good at the LSAT since everyone that posts their scores have 160+ dishes and all high 160-170 scores. @AlexanderL0 awesome stuff I'm sure you'll get to where you want to go.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    7sage is more accepting and productive. TLS is like wading through a swamp looking for a lost pair of sunglasses.
  • AlexanderL0AlexanderL0 Alum Member
    239 karma
    Whats your GPA
  • visualcreedvisualcreed Member Inactive ⭐
    326 karma
    3.5-3.6 I think, not the best but half of my undergrad I was deployed so its semi explainable. The school I'm trying to get into puts a lot of weight into other factors besides GPA and LSAT score and everyone that I know that got at highest had a 163 LSAT while everyone else had 150's.
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    I hope you will reach your goal of 165 before June!
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