Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). PT3.S2.Q5 - Development of the megatelescope - 7Sage Forum

PT3.S2.Q5 - Development of the megatelescope

isdmyungisdmyung Member
edited February 2021 in Logical Reasoning 121 karma

Can somebody please explain to me why AC E is correct? I got the question right just based on process of elimination, but I am not convinced as to why it is particularly the correct answer.

I understood the stimulus as the observatory director starting out with a reason why some may object to the development of the megatelescope. Then proceeding to justify its worthiness by saying that had it not been for that "research," the world would have been deprived of beneficial applications from these eminent scientists.

The part I don't understand about AC E in particular is, "worthy of comparison with that of eminent scientists." What comparison?


  • Burden.of.FloofBurden.of.Floof Core Member
    edited February 2021 1050 karma

    An argument by analogy is being used here.

    • Some people say that funding this telescope will only serve the interests of the scientists who work with it.
    • What if we had said that about the work of (insert famous scientists) ?
    • We would have missed out on beneficial, technological innovations such as the radio.

    So, the author is superimposing the importance of the work done by Einstein onto a situation that could be completely different. Those scientists who want the telescope could want it for completely self-interested reasons. Or maybe their research will lead to technology that's really bad for humanity or the planet. These potential results would therefore be "not worthy of comparison" with the kind of beneficial applications of the research by Einstein, Newton, etc.

    I hope this helps!

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