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Tips on going from 172 to 175+ ?

capricorn2120capricorn2120 Member
in General 47 karma

Weak areas are Logical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension (mostly the latter.)


  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    edited February 2021 2054 karma

    I wasn't able to replicate on test day, I only hit 174, but BRing with other high scorers was how I raised my average on PTs to a 176. Going through and challenging each other's reasoning, picking apart the difficult questions, looking at every word choice helped a lot. I really encourage everyone who's in the mid-160's to do that as much as possible, but especially if you are trying to get those last few points above 172.

    Also, this may not be a struggle for you, but my single weakest question type was once main point in RC, I was getting 1/3rd of them wrong even averaging 175, a big problem since there are usually 3 on each test. A BR partner told me to flag all those and answer them last after all the other questions in each passage. I didn't get a single one wrong on a PT again when I started doing that. It gives you so much more exposure to what the test makers were focused on and lets you answer the main point after reading through the passage a few more times.

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