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Off topic but...

canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
edited February 2021 in Off-topic 8480 karma

Does @Burden_of_Floof have the best username/avatar combo on 7sage?

Does @Burden_of_Floof have the best username on 7sage?
  1. Well?43 votes
    1. Yes
    2. See my comment/results... but yes.


  • McBeck418McBeck418 Member
    500 karma

    I mean the name is great, but the picture and the name. That's perfection. haha

  • Burden.of.FloofBurden.of.Floof Core Member
    1050 karma

    Omg hahaha. I'm flattered! Thanks @canihazJD :) That's how she naps every day and it's my view as I study. I've never been able to figure out how she breathes.

  • WickedLostWickedLost Member
    481 karma

    I was feeling stressed and exhausted and this just made my evening...I feel like someone needs to start a pet therapy thread on 7Sage so we can all look at pets being pets to destress.

  • swanganieswanganie Yearly Member
    294 karma

    This is the post and username/avatar I didn't know I needed to see tonight. Thanks for the laugh. Super cute tabby @Burden_of_Floof ! :)

  • Burden.of.FloofBurden.of.Floof Core Member
    1050 karma

    thanks @swanganie :) Your kitty is super cute too! @WickedLost I couldn't agree more. I could definitely use some adorable puppy/kitty pics after the LR problem sets I just did...

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    edited February 2021 8480 karma

    Thats so funny that's just how she sleeps @Burden_of_Floof. I would die.

    Here's my old man:

  • McBeck418McBeck418 Member
    500 karma

    This is becoming my favourite thread. Here's my cat popping in to say hi.


  • Burden.of.FloofBurden.of.Floof Core Member
    edited February 2021 1050 karma

    I can't help myself!

    Happy Sunday everyone!


  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    edited March 2021 14173 karma

    How did I just find this thread...

    Mine does the same!

  • kkole444kkole444 Alum Member
    edited March 2021 1687 karma

    Here is Salem!

  • kkole444kkole444 Alum Member
    edited March 2021 1687 karma

    Hey, Can someone Photoshop my computer screen so it looks like Salem is working on 7Sage and not my Masters thesis presentation.

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    edited March 2021 8480 karma

    Holy crap @"J.Y. Ping" @"Burden.of.Floof" I'm dying. They both look like they just discovered the CD game.

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