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Help! Missed (two!!) law school information webinars after I registered- what do I do?

st_cupertinost_cupertino Member
edited February 2021 in Law School Admissions 177 karma

I need some advice. I have missed not one, but TWO informational webinars for the same school. I am incredibly embarrassed and don't know what to say. I don't have any good excuses for registering and not canceling. I just forgot about them.

I feel like if I send them an apology email at this point it is insulting and points to my irresponsible errors even more. I haven't applied yet, but I really like this school.
Do any of you know if these absences will reflect badly on my application once I apply this fall? Should I just toss out this school from my list? Am I being dramatic?

Has anyone else been in a similar situation? I would really appreciate some advice!


  • sschch97sschch97 Core Member
    92 karma

    Are these public informational sessions where anybody interested can attend? If so, then you are completely fine. They don't take attendance nor check to see who has come. I would not reach out to let them know you missed it because then you are highlighting a mistake that they probably didn't even take note of.
    Trust me, I went to every session for a school I loved and still got waitlisted. It is not the make or break of your application.

  • Law and YodaLaw and Yoda Alum Member
    edited February 2021 4312 karma

    Hey, deep breaths! The schools host these webinars for students to learn more information about their programs, not to tally who is and isn't coming. I've actually asked multiple deans whether they take participation/showing up to these events into account when we submit our applications and all of them said no (up to you to believe their statement on it). Definitely do not send an apology email and do not toss the school out from your list.

  • st_cupertinost_cupertino Member
    177 karma

    Ah I feel so much better now. Thank you both!!! <3
    @"Law and Yoda" @sschch97

  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    As a former admissions officer who used to schedule and host information sessions, you shouldn't worry about it. If anything, admissions will be reaching out to YOU with more resources since they presumably have your contact information in their database. If you are still interested in the school, just sign up for a future session. Good luck!

  • st_cupertinost_cupertino Member
    177 karma

    @"selene.steelman" Thanks so much for taking the time to respond to my post! I was really panicking. Thank you for the insight!! :smiley:

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