Score Preview - worth it?

carolinelsatcarolinelsat Member
in General 103 karma

I am a bit confused on the benefit of score preview for first time test takers. I understand that you can have the score cancelled if you pay the $45/$75 fee, but what is the benefit of cancelling the score? I guess my question is, if something were to go wildly wrong with your LSAT experience (internet issues, proctor U issues, etc) would LSAC allow you the option to cancel that score without purchasing the score preview? I cannot see myself cancelling my first time score unless something went horribly wrong. Is it that bad to have a "bad" score and a better score that you receive later both show up when you apply to schools? I am not sure if this is entirely coherent, I am just trying to figure out if it is worth it to spend the $45 in advance or wait to see if I need to spend the $75 after, or if something goes horribly wrong if the fee has to be paid at all... any suggestions?


  • nomomnomnomomnom Member
    412 karma

    In both situations you can still cancel your score. The benefit of purchasing score preview is that you get to view your score before deciding whether or not to cancel

  • jesskess04jesskess04 Core Member
    53 karma

    Don't take my word for it but I think schools will see if you cancel your score. You might want to check with LSAC.

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