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Final Month

italian_tacoitalian_taco Member
in General 158 karma

Hi all!

I would love people's advice on what to do the last month of studying? I'm taking it April 10th and would love to hear about the final stretch strategies.



  • tonyahardzinskitonyahardzinski Core Member
    307 karma

    I’m just going to keep up my plan of studying 2-3 hrs a day except on Sundays. I do some logic games daily and mix up LR/RC every other day. Rereading the second the half of the Loophole (so many gems in that!). I have also found the explanation videos on 7Sage so much better than Lsat Hacks course that I paid for and it’s really helping my score improve. Oh, and I def would suggest messing around with the front size on the PT on the lawhub. Once I made changed the font and clicked the passage only button I saw my score on it jump back up to 23/24 on a RC section. Previously, I could score that or higher on the paper tests but not the online ones so I’m stoked! Best of luck!

  • tonyahardzinskitonyahardzinski Core Member
    307 karma

    Oh and one other thing that I think has helped me- reading Nautilus, Scientific American, National Geographic and the Economist. I read to see the Viewpoint, structure, authors MP, etc. Before doing this the science passages on RC or science LR questions would make me freeze lol

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