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Great questions to keep in mind

in General 246 karma

Hi Everyone,

Hope everybody had a great weekend. I just wanted to post something I have found helpful when reviewing practice tests. While many of these questions seem obvious and naturally intuitive, sometimes it helps to spell them out and ask yourself these questions when reviewing questions you got wrong. The article was published by Blueprint. The questions are:

  • Did I follow the correct approach?
  • Did I misread anything important?
  • Was my anticipation of the answer in line with what I should have been looking for?
  • Why is the wrong answer wrong?
  • How can I know that a similar wrong answer will be wrong next time?
  • Why is the wrong answer tempting, and why doesn't that make it right?
  • Why is the right answer right?
  • How can I spot a similar right answer next time?

"Once you've figured out a question, talk yourself through the logical process one more time to reinforce the right way to do things".

Are there any questions, or strategies any of you are using to help improve your score? If so, please comment and share with me. Hope this helps somebody!

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