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Miscellaneous Logical Indicators

Hey fellow 7Sagers,

I'm confused about one miscellaneous logical indicator, "is necessary".

For example, "Happiness is necessary for success".
Would the lawgical translation be S > H?

In LSAT 22 - Section 2 - Question 18, it reads,
"To classify a work of art as truly great, it is necessary that the work have both originality and far reaching influence upon the artistic community".

JY draws out in lawgic that TG > O and F.

Can someone explain to me how this is correct? I thought the lawgical translation would be O and F > TG.


  • 123anami123anami Member
    388 karma

    your example is correct - JY is also correct.

    A is necessary for B: B -> A
    It is necessary that A has B: A -> B

    in other words, the 2 sentences aren't built the same, you have to reword the lsat question to something like "originality and far reaching influence are necessary to classify a work of art as truly great"

  • 17 karma

    I understand now. Thank you for the explanation!

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