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How do you flag questions in an exam ???

ray.amscoray.amsco Member
edited April 2021 in General 13 karma

I actually do not know where to click to do it I sometimes do it on accident but don't know how I did it.

Would really like to apply this skill to LR currently scoring in in the high 160s trying to break 170s any help is much appreciated.



  • st_cupertinost_cupertino Member
    177 karma

    Do you mean flag on 7Sage or on LSAC's Law Hub? If you mean Law Hub, it is directly right of the question stem. It is an outline of a flag and then once you click it, it fills in,

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    Hi @"ray.amsco"

    The flag icon is located under the question numbers in 7Sage's Digital Tester. See the screenshot below:


    I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any further questions.

  • ray.amscoray.amsco Member
    13 karma

    Thank you!

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