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Retaking Old Prep Tests

LegallyBrunette21LegallyBrunette21 Yearly Member
in General 500 karma

Hi everyone,

I recently finished the CC and took PT 36. I scored a 165 with a blind review score of 169 (I have a target score range of 166-168). However, I previously took this test preparing for the July 2019 exam, and I am wondering if there is any value to retaking exams I took in the summer of 2019? I took around 10 practice exams between PT 36-55 in the summer of 2019 and I am wondering if I should skip retaking these ones.

For context, although some of the subject matters sounded familiar, I did not remember much else.

Thank you in advance!


  • 540 karma

    In general, you can use your old PTs to practice certain skills prior to a new PT. For example, I would take a new PT under timed conditions and then realize that I need to work on NA question types on LR, art passages on RC, and grouping games on LG. Before my next timed fresh PT, I would pull practice material from the older PTs (core curriculum or those that I already took under timed conditions). Another example: if I need to practice my skipping strategy on LR, I can retake an LR section from an old PT and see how I can improve my strategy. Either way, you can pull practice material from the exams that you already took.

    Another way that I have seen old PTs being used are as complete retakes. I want to say that this is less commonly done, especially once you progress to a certain point in taking full PTs. The goal here would be to identify the questions that you get wrong, even on a retake. What is it about that question that fools me, even after all this time?

    A good way to gauge when to move onto a fresh PT may be the following: with the amount of practice that I did, did I make enough improvements to warrant a new PT? If NOT, it may not be a bad idea to use your old PTs to practice a bit more, work on your skills, and then take a new PT.

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