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Logic Games Inferences

ethansotakethansotak Core Member
in Logic Games 22 karma

What does it mean to reproduce the inferences from memory when doing a logic game again? Am I not supposed to look at the rules or stimulus?


  • Slow is FastSlow is Fast Alum Member
    edited April 2021 445 karma

    It means that while you're re-doing/fool-proofing a logic game, you want to make all the inferences without needing to consult your notes or JY's video. Once the inference(s) for that game are committed to your memory, you will be able to call on them on similar future games.

  • kkole444kkole444 Alum Member
    1687 karma

    Hello @ethansotak , @obloome is correct, but it also means that you are making the inferences from working the game and not just memorizing "ohh this game is G3 so... X inference" You want to be able to make the inferences but they should not directly come from your memory. For example: If A is in then B is in. If B is in then C is out and D is in. You should not immediately just write A-->/C from memorization, it should come from you realizing/recognizing the relationship. You just have to be honest with yourself if the inference came from you working the game and recognizing the inference or if you just remember on that specific PT 5 G2 you need X inference. I hope what I said was not too confusing.

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