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Feeling Helpless on LGs

Jugartha98Jugartha98 Core Member
in Logic Games 42 karma

Hi everyone,

Wondering if anyone has run into this issue. I've naturally been doing well with LR and RC. The 7sage courses helped me get to about an average of -1 on each of those sections. The problem is that I can't seem to get to a consistent -1 to -3 on LGs. Its especially frustrating given how everyone always talks about how it is the easiest section to learn.

I have used the foolproof method fairly extensively. Having done and redone every logic game from Tests 1 - 78. I can redo the sections and get -1/-0 when I do. I also made a tracker of harder and hardest games from Tests 1-78 and did and redid these until I could do them quicker than the recommended time. I've also redone the LG syllabus and whizzed through all the sections.

The problem is... I still am struggling to rap my head around new harder/hardest questions that pop on tests I haven't seen before, especially if its a miscellaneous game. Sometimes its due to panic but other times I am just genuinely stumped. This seems to happen on every new PT I take.

I am averaging low 170s with about -4 or -5 (sometimes worse) in the logic games. I recognize that I am fortunate o have a high base-line score but I have poured in 200+ hours into logic games and it remains my biggest obstacle to being a consistent mid 170 scorer.

Anyone have any advice or deal with the same issue? I've always been awful at puzzles!

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