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Can you get by on conditional LR questions with just knowing keywords?

alienman1000alienman1000 Core Member

Knowing things like how to map no/nobody and unless and stuff like that. Is it enough for tough coniditonal lr quesitons? If not then how do you do them better?


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8486 karma

    You should be comfortable recognizing the indicators, know what they mean, drawing inferences, and translating conditional statements.

    For instance if I give you A→B, A→C, you should see both the map and the inference B←s→C immediately. Or that A→B, C→B gives you /A←s→/C, and so on. Likewise someone saying something like,"I will not go to the store today unless it is not raining," or "unless a miracle happens, the only way I can pass this class is if I do not fail the test" should flow in conditional mapping smoothly as soon as you hear it.

    In my opinion, if you're not proficient to the point that you're automatically visualizing conditional mapping when you see/hear the indicators, you're basically volunteering to take a lower score.

  • alienman1000alienman1000 Core Member
    135 karma

    Thank you! Do you know of anyone that could tutor me on this before test day?

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