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LSAT Timing/Analog Watches

ChoocharooChoocharoo Alum Member
in General 61 karma


I am struggling with keeping in the time constraints I've set for myself during my PTs. I try to remind myself to look at the display timer every time I click on the next question or am going through ACs, but sometimes I am deep in a LG and totally go over time before I've had the chance to look back. I used to use my phone to time myself and it would sit directly in front of me as I took a hardcopy PT.

Since everything is digital, I'm trying to switch up my practices accordingly... But I'm wondering if anyone has used the LSAT analog watches available and would suggest them? I'm thinking that with the watch right next to my sheet of paper, it will be easier for me to keep an eye on the time. Do you think I should invest in a watch - and if so, which one - or do you think monitoring the timer will become easier with practice and would be best to stick to the display timer only?

Would appreciate some advice before I spend the money on a timer that may hinder my studying in some way rather than help! Thank you so much!

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