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Took a break, and now I'm regressing

catbellycatbelly Core Member
in General 229 karma

Hey folks,

I know that because of burnout, a lot of people advise you take a break. So I did, which was great! I took a week off, and I really feel like I cleared my headspace, feel less anxious, and re-found my reason for wanting to go to law school in the first place. But I've been studying again for about three weeks, and my scores have regressed. I'm not sure what else to do. I want to take the June test, but I'm still at my 160s hump.

How do you get over this? What have you found to be most useful?


  • Codell BeckhamCodell Beckham Core Member
    26 karma

    The LSAT is like doing cardio. Some days you can run for what feels like forever. Others, you can barely finish your normal distance. Regardless of which day it is, keep pushing. Consistency is key. Focus on what is tripping you up and work on those issues specifically. Hone the rough edges to a fine point.

    Also, don't let the lsat completely control your life. I make sure to study 6 days a week, but I make time to play guitar and do cardio as well. It helps keep the grind bearable and me from going insane.

  • catbellycatbelly Core Member
    229 karma

    @"Codell Beckham" You're totally right -- after my break I realized that I had let the test completely control my life. I started running again and already feel so much better. I just wish that this translated into higher scores!

  • Codell BeckhamCodell Beckham Core Member
    26 karma

    I'm happy that you've realized that and are making steps to have a healthier study/life balance! I think it will translate into higher scores, but you have to give it time. Somethings we can grasp the concept of, but have trouble implementing it. Eventually, it will click and become like muscle memory. Keep a healthy balance of studying and life, and I'm sure you will reach the goals you have placed for yourself.

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