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June 2021 LSAT Sessions

sidney...sidney... Member
in General 15 karma

Hello! Does anyone know when you can start signing up for a session for the June LSAT? I'm also curious when the sessions typically are (days of the week, time of day, etc). Thanks!


  • sarahblairsarahblair Core Member
    604 karma

    Hi, I'm wondering the same thing. The LSAC website says signing up will be released about 2 weeks prior to the start of testing. However, I've seen some other people commenting about some hack people were talking about on Reddit where you could go directly on ProctorU and forego the exact directions from LSAC which allowed people to sign up sooner than the released date for flexes in the past months. Not sure if this is still applicable for the June test. Either way, I think it'll be within the next 2 weeks that they allow sign up to start.

  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    It is around 2 weeks out, they will send an email with a link. The workaround only allows you to sign up earlier in the morning the day they open sign-ups, so unless you are panicking and extremely limited on when you can take the test, it shouldn’t be necessary. They offer times throughout the day, from early morning to evening. They will typically offer both weekend days, then 2-3 week days, plus one day set aside specifically for accommodations testing. Hope that helps!

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