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Worth going through Core Curriculum for first time as 170s scorer?

in General 273 karma

Long time user of 7Sage here. I've studied for the LSAT for a while now and I scored a 170 on test day and I'm planning to retaking for a high 170s score. My PTs have ranged from 169-178, but I am still quite inconsistent within this range.

I've been considering going through the Core Curriculum. I've watched a few videos before but have never actually sat down to go through the whole thing. I'm now considering going through the CC because I have decided to apply not this upcoming cycle, but the following one, and so I do have more time to study. I'd like to improve in all 3 sections but my current weaknesses are:

Formal Logic (not including conditional logic, but just operating the Most/Some statements and those questions).

Weird games (pattern games, mapping games, circular games in PowerScore language. Think Employee Workpiece game or Virus game).

Rule substitution questions.

Science passages in RC.

Curve-breaker RC/LR questions.

Consistency in all 3 sections (to go from -2 to -3 to -0 to -1 consistency.

I'd say that I'm strong at LG (able to go -0 to -3) but I'm also seeking more consistency. Would you say that the LG portion of the Core Curriculum is worth going through if one has already done all the games there and even watched most the explanation videos for those particular games? Is there anything different between the explanations for LG within the CC vs. the explanation videos for the games taught in the CC (found under Problem Sets > Explanation Videos)? I've heard rave reviews about the LG portion of the CC specifically from quite a few people, so I'm wondering if it's worth going through or whether it's more for someone who's still making a ton of mistakes?

I don't think it's really necessary for me to go through the CC, but I do think that it might help solidify my knowledge and cover any remaining weaknesses I have.

How long did it take you to go through the entire CC (not counting doing the actual PTs included in there)?

I was thinking that I would skip some of the LR/RC Problem Sets because I've developed my own system of allocation for the PTs and I don't have that many fresh PTs left, so I want to be careful not to use up any fresh PTs/sections. How long would just watching the video lessons take (not including the problem sets)?

I would also love any advice about how you went about going through the CC/what to skip/what's important. Did you take a lot of notes? Did any of you high scorers (170+) do something similar where, for a retake, you went back to the fundamentals? Did it pay off to do so?

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