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Mid 160s Plateau: Looking for Advice

in General 11 karma

Due to school and personal obligations, I've been studying for the LSAT on and off for about a year. I took the LSAT twice, scoring a 162 in June 2020, and then a 164 in August 2020. From November 2020-January 2021, I was PT-ing an average of 164 but with an average BR of 173. After not having studied for about 4 months, I retook the 2007 test and scored a 166 with a BR of 171.

Does anyone have any advice on what my next move should be? I repurchased the 7Sage Ultimate monthly bundle.
Should I be drilling over my problem areas or should I redo or skim the LSAT curriculum as a refresher?

I'm hoping to take the LSAT again either in August 2021 or October 2021.


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