Finished my exam about an hour ago! I am uncertain of how I did, to be honest. I found there LR to be pretty standard, though there were a few questions where I had a tossup between two answers.
LG, my second section, was going extremely well at first (thanks 7sage!) for the first two games. The last two, econ/museum, hurt my progress. I skipped the museum one to do the econ one (which I thought would be able to do more effectively from knowledge of previous games) but there was a lot going on in it. When I was running out of time and went back to do the museum one, I realized the key inferences too late to finish all of the questions. While I think I got the first two games completely right, I probably got -6 to -7 in the LG section due to the last two games.
RC was going pretty well but the passages were extremely dense (Brittain/Inuit/legal/predator). I got through the first three passages with seven minutes to read and do the questions for the last one, as I got caught up in passage 3. I probably guessed on half of the questions in the last passage, though I was feeling somewhat good about the previous sections.
I started at a 146 last year, brought it up to a 156 by the Jan LSAT, and brought my PT average up to a 160 - 162 by studying for this June LSAT exam (since early May - after I graduated). This is my final (and fourth) time taking the LSAT, and simply for scholarship negotiation/waitlist purposes. Hoping if I got -7 in LG, -4 in LR (my recent avg), and at most -7 or -8 in RC that I can pull off a 160. GL everyone (and, hoping for a nice curve to help out )
Has anybody else had tech difficulties where the system kicks you out and then takes away a couple of minutes from your section? It happened to me twice during my exam and they got some really cute footage of me crying
@angelicaafanador11 i experienced massive technical difficulties and system kicked me out, video lost as well. I filed a test day complaint. I would say file a test day complaint for retest?
First time test taker, and like some of yall I got kicked out too which kinda freaked me out cause I started the second section while knowing I did worse on the first so I just completely winged it.
Is there a game similar to the Econ and Museum game? The rules really tripped me and while I could see how to diagram them, the extra variable or rule like (econ's pre-req) and for the Museum I just did not understand how to solve for worlds using the rules it gave, so I panicked.
This might be because I really only studied the theories and concepts of everything, but have like less than 5 PT's timed under my belt ( older ones at that, with like 1 PT in the 70s), I thought the language was much harder than the PT's and Timed sections I practiced with, and it seemed harder to eliminate choices (like usually I could eliminate choices based on out of context, sufficient necessary etc., usually I could get it down to two options for most of the questions especially the 1-15 questions.
I had like a sequencing game which the 6th question made me feel like I did it wrong.
I did not understand how to solve worlds for the econ because the pre-req rule/variable through me off.
And the hall and museum game I just did not know how to make worlds for the diagram I made. I think one or two of the rules confused me for this too.
Today was my first lsat and I feel like I blacked out. I have no recollection of the test. I think I must have done it on auto-pilot. No idea how I did. Is this normal?? Such a weird experience. Like that feeling when you’ve been driving a while and suddenly you realize you’ve been zoned out the whole time but somehow you’ve been driving fine and end up at your destination. I’ve taken a ton of PT’s and never have complete amnesia after the test. Reading some of the other comments here is the only way some memory of the test is coming back to me. Can’t tell if this is a bad sign! Anyway, praying I don’t have to sit for another test!
First time taker here too, RC and LR seemed like language was harder prob because I was nervous, LG was normal for my standard which is not super high Month and half studying, but I feel like i can bring it much higher, so I am taking another LSAT for sure. I started 2 hours later because of mistake in timezone and scheduling (which I am willing to take ownership for) and technical issues. Proctor was great, but wait for proctor was super long. Overall not a bad experience, gyn and tonic for me tonight. CHEERS! Great job everyone!
I took my test on sunday. it all started out with technical issues because my new laptop camera did not work. so thankfully i had a back up laptop and it worked so an hour later and my bad nerves i finally gave it a go when i probably should have just rescheduled. LG looked way different it was nothing like my practice exam ones it look tricky and just hard to grasp. RC was extremely long passages it was just ridiculous. LR was ok for me i was able to get through that section overall i dont feel confident about it. Im just glad its over and now im questioning should i even bother...............sigh
Finished my test today. During the exam I disconnected five times. Twice during logic games and three times during RC. During the test there was a severe power outage in my area and my internet was out for around 30 minutes. I was able to complete LG but had to guess on the last 3 questions and for RC had to guess on almost every question in the 4th passage. I'm pretty upset and Idk what to do next. Is there a way to retake the june flex later this week? Should I file a complaint and get a coupon to take August? Should I cancel this score and wait to see what I get before canceling (if you can even do that) or just cancel when filing a complaint?
I had LR-LG-RC. LR I remember being relatively fine, medium difficulty, finished on time but I remember I had the most trouble with
Japanese bells
LG first 3 games were honestly pretty do-able. I had
a speech one or something (idfk it seemed easy tho so I don't rly remember lol)
upper/lower halls-messed up one of the trickier rules loll but recovered and got em all I think
museum- honestly didn't find this one that hard, but the noises bit rly f'd me up in the beginning
Econ. I got to Econ with 10 mins left, was feeling good w/ my creative ass diagramming and then realized I had like 1.5 minutes to do the last 3 question, all of which I could not for the life of me figure out in that amount of time. I semi-guessed on the last 2 or 3 of Econ game. Did anyone get this one during the test??
RC felt pretty hard tbh, it's actually my best section in PTs but...idk if it's cause it was last or I was tired or what, but I felt like the passages were tougher to digest than previous RC sections I've done, or like the answers just really weren't as obvious. I had time to finish but no time to check answers which is unusual for me. Honestly this section could be -1 or -7 for all I know...
Brittain WWII (pretty dense but do-able)
inuit (went fine)
by-product/enrichment law model one (dense ASF I was shook)
passage on keystone predators (honestly found this one hard too)
Overall, my goal score is 170+ and I've been PTing right around that range..feel like it's a possibility on this exam but could also easily be 160s. Hoping for a generous curve here (idk if it matters that this is the exam w/ the two games everyone's been talking about). Anyone else have this exam/one of these sections & have thoughts on it
@sarapaigedelacey said:
I had LR-LG-RC. LR I remember being relatively fine, medium difficulty, finished on time but I remember I had the most trouble with
Japanese bells
LG first 3 games were honestly pretty do-able. I had
a speech one or something (idfk it seemed easy tho so I don't rly remember lol)
upper/lower halls-messed up one of the trickier rules loll but recovered and got em all I think
museum- honestly didn't find this one that hard, but the noises bit rly f'd me up in the beginning
Econ. I got to Econ with 10 mins left, was feeling good w/ my creative ass diagramming and then realized I had like 1.5 minutes to do the last 3 question, all of which I could not for the life of me figure out in that amount of time. I semi-guessed on the last 2 or 3 of Econ game. Did anyone get this one during the test??
RC felt pretty hard tbh, it's actually my best section in PTs but...idk if it's cause it was last or I was tired or what, but I felt like the passages were tougher to digest than previous RC sections I've done, or like the answers just really weren't as obvious. I had time to finish but no time to check answers which is unusual for me. Honestly this section could be -1 or -7 for all I know...
Brittain WWII (pretty dense but do-able)
inuit (went fine)
by-product/enrichment law model one (dense ASF I was shook)
passage on keystone predators (honestly found this one hard too)
Overall, my goal score is 170+ and I've been PTing right around that range..feel like it's a possibility on this exam but could also easily be 160s. Hoping for a generous curve here (idk if it matters that this is the exam w/ the two games everyone's been talking about). Anyone else have this exam/one of these sections & have thoughts on it
This is the same test I had. LR seemed decent but I took longer on some of the earlier questions than normal, RC I didn't think was too bad, but the last 2 passages were definitely tougher. LG was brutal for me when I got to the museum/econ games. I also had technical issues that caused me to start the test over 2 hours after my original start time but I eventually got it sorted out
@sarapaigedelacey said:
I had LR-LG-RC. LR I remember being relatively fine, medium difficulty, finished on time but I remember I had the most trouble with
Japanese bells
LG first 3 games were honestly pretty do-able. I had
a speech one or something (idfk it seemed easy tho so I don't rly remember lol)
upper/lower halls-messed up one of the trickier rules loll but recovered and got em all I think
museum- honestly didn't find this one that hard, but the noises bit rly f'd me up in the beginning
Econ. I got to Econ with 10 mins left, was feeling good w/ my creative ass diagramming and then realized I had like 1.5 minutes to do the last 3 question, all of which I could not for the life of me figure out in that amount of time. I semi-guessed on the last 2 or 3 of Econ game. Did anyone get this one during the test??
RC felt pretty hard tbh, it's actually my best section in PTs but...idk if it's cause it was last or I was tired or what, but I felt like the passages were tougher to digest than previous RC sections I've done, or like the answers just really weren't as obvious. I had time to finish but no time to check answers which is unusual for me. Honestly this section could be -1 or -7 for all I know...
Brittain WWII (pretty dense but do-able)
inuit (went fine)
by-product/enrichment law model one (dense ASF I was shook)
passage on keystone predators (honestly found this one hard too)
Overall, my goal score is 170+ and I've been PTing right around that range..feel like it's a possibility on this exam but could also easily be 160s. Hoping for a generous curve here (idk if it matters that this is the exam w/ the two games everyone's been talking about). Anyone else have this exam/one of these sections & have thoughts on it
i had the same exam. I totally blacked out on LR don’t remember much about it other than ET being talked about, might be a toss up for me.
LG was great until the museum question ate up my time. confident i did well on it but it gave me no time for the last game. I got super stressed on the econ game and could not figure it out for the LIFE of me I probably missed 2 or 3 of the questions.
RC is my strong point and i think it went well. The law passage was super dense, i agree, kind of surprising.
I also had the Japanese Bells LR/Econ LG/Brittain RC
Honestly, I'm feeling good. Like.... really good... It worries me a little. I know for a fact that I got -0 on LG as I had time to go back over the stimuli and my rule translations and all flagged questions.
RC felt ridiculously easy compared to the PTs in the 80s I've been taking. The passages were long and dense, but I felt like they took it easy on us with the actual question difficulty to compensate... My worst RC performances have all been in those sections where the questions have a sort of LR-esque quality to them, for lack of a better word. This test didn't have that. At all. It weirded me out and still does. I had 3 questions flagged at the end that I felt 75% on. I usually miss 1 or 2 in RC that I don't flag, but I had time left over this time so I'm hoping that since I never felt rushed, that I didn't make any dumb mistakes.... fingers crossed for -3.
LR felt fairly average. One question in particular threw me off in the first couple of questions, with a super "obvious" answer choice, and another answer choice that was verbose, but I believe correct... It was a really strange rendition of the typical answer choice for point at issue, and I still wonder if I was overthinking it. I think I had like 4 questions flagged at the end and almost never miss unflagged LR questions historically. So here's hoping for a -2 on LR.
Weird test. It was cool to see the slight differences in LG stimuli. I also noticed some uniquely-flavored LR answer choices that I thought were cool.
Thinking my best case scenario is 70/75. Worst case is 67/75. I reckon I'm flirting with 170 pending curve..... God I hope so.
Today was my first lsat and I feel like I blacked out. I have no recollection of the test. I think I must have done it on auto-pilot. No idea how I did. Is this normal?? Such a weird experience. Like that feeling when you’ve been driving a while and suddenly you realize you’ve been zoned out the whole time but somehow you’ve been driving fine and end up at your destination. I’ve taken a ton of PT’s and never have complete amnesia after the test. Reading some of the other comments here is the only way some memory of the test is coming back to me. Can’t tell if this is a bad sign! Anyway, praying I don’t have to sit for another test!
Don't worry too much about it. This happened to me too on my first LSAT. I went completely on autopilot during the test, and forgot everything that happened in the 1h45mins. Turned out I scored higher than I have ever scored in PTs. So, really, don't worry too much.
That said, I'm going to take my second (and last) LSAT tomorrow... Fingers crossed that it goes well.
@pusheen32 said:
Don't worry too much about it. This happened to me too on my first LSAT. I went completely on autopilot during the test, and forgot everything that happened in the 1h45mins. Turned out I scored higher than I have ever scored in PTs. So, really, don't worry too much.
That said, I'm going to take my second (and last) LSAT tomorrow... Fingers crossed that it goes well.
Ah! Thank you! This makes me feel a bit better. I hope that’s the case for me too. Best of luck to you!
Just wanna say congrats to all the first time test takers who've been studying for months (years?), going through all the resources & tutoring to bolster knowledge of how to think in order to be successful on the test. And also major congrats to any of the "later in life" test takers. For some of us it took a long while to come to a decision about moving in this direction. This was a major step. Needless to say, I was emotional after finishing it.
RC got a little WTF at the end -- I can't even remember the topics after Af. Am cultural literacy, Everything started ok and went south by the middle of passage 2, not even because the content was so hard or densely worded -- THE QUESTIONS just left me feeling like "What are you even asking me?" Gaining an understanding left little time for questions. Luckily it had the least amount of questions.
LR - mixed bag but doable, as long as exposure to question type and practice leading up was thorough. Nothing memorable. For myself I felt the traps were jumping out at me... Only the score will tell.
LG - the museum game, definitely brute forced my way through the layers of possibility; seemed like I had to do it for each question and the last question was like HUH until I got to the Econ game and since I saw the pre-req condition for that one was gonna be hairy I went back to the museum and beat down the last question until the answer revealed itself bc frankly I'd just put too much time into the whole game to leave it to chance. The Econ game was gross (aka all about deductions) and barely left enough time to answer the questions even though there were fewer than in the other games. I think it was definitely designed that way to f*** with you mid-section. Had to re-focus, re-draw boards and tell myself "it's ok... it's ok..." LOL
I feel like the test was medium-hard. Not a bad experience, no technical issues. Fingers crossed on the outcome.
@ericchoi12 said:
Had RC-LR-LG. Every section felt middle of the road in terms of difficulty, and the test as a whole felt average relative to PTs in the 70-80s, or potentially even a little bit easier. I found LR in particular to be a bit easier than normal, as I had 4 mins at the end to review my answers, whereas I usually finish right on time or with a minute to spare. I had the RC with insects and predator and preys, along with the passage about Inuits and territories. RC was my weakest section in my previous flex attempts, but I made a concerted effort this time to really focus on it, and I eventually got my RC performance about equal with my LR performance on PTs. I think my hard work paid off because in contrast to my previous attempts in which I felt like RC was noticeably challenging, this particular RC section did not feel notably difficult, tho I wouldn’t say it was easy either. Right about average to any RC section you’d see in the PT80s.
I feel most confident about this exam compared to my previous attempts. On my prior attempts there’d always be at least one section where I’d be scrambling for time at the end, but this time I finished with time left for each section. I’m hoping to score right along with my most recent PT averages, where I scored between the ranges of 172-174.
I took it on Saturday and had the same LG and RC sections it sounds like. The order I got was RC - LR - LG, which I think probably helped me confidence since I find RC to be my strongest section at this point.
RC was
- Britain being pro-war before WWI and then a pacifist
- the role of courts in interpreting the law
- the two authors discussing aquatic keystone predators
- I had a brutal time trying to remember the third passage, I vaguely came up with Canadian native tribes? ~you jogged my memory though; I had the territories passage as well.
I thought this was a pretty easy RC section - with the exception of the legal passage, that one was super dense to me.
The LR questions that I remember were
- family vacation and choosing which motel to stay in after a bad experience
- vampire stories and rabies
- pilots and cancer
- using folk remedies/plants to make medicine
- ankle injuries and the type of shoe worn
- ivy growing on buildings
I found this to be a fairly easy LR section. I had a little over 4 minutes left over at the end to go back and review, which was so nice.
LG was
- the first one is the one I have the most trouble remembering - ordering of student seating?
- upper and lower hall
- economics classes & prerequisites (this one was just plain RUDE)
- the order of events with the burglary in the museum, noises, etc
I'm already signed up for August - hoping/planning on that being my second (and last!) go at the beast. I know I can improve on my June score. God, waiting for the results in brutal.
I had a really wonderful proctor experience, no waiting, no weirdness, no interruptions. I was asked to move my desk a few inches so the proctor could see the door behind me, but it was honestly such a small change, didn't throw me off at all. I was a little apprehensive coming in because I saw other folks post about proctors telling them not to mouth the words and I read aloud A LOT when I practice, thankfully I didn't hear anything about my mouthing or whisper-reading.
Wish everyone the absolute best!
Oh my goodness! I have not been able to recall A SINGLE topic from my entire LSAT, and this post slightly jogged my memory. Some of the LG topics you mentioned seem familiar to me! I have absolutely no clue how I may have scored and it is really bothering me:(
@SKY54321 said:
Today was my first lsat and I feel like I blacked out. I have no recollection of the test. I think I must have done it on auto-pilot. No idea how I did. Is this normal?? Such a weird experience. Like that feeling when you’ve been driving a while and suddenly you realize you’ve been zoned out the whole time but somehow you’ve been driving fine and end up at your destination. I’ve taken a ton of PT’s and never have complete amnesia after the test. Reading some of the other comments here is the only way some memory of the test is coming back to me. Can’t tell if this is a bad sign! Anyway, praying I don’t have to sit for another test!
I am actually so relieved to hear you say this because I had the same experience!! I cannot remember a single moment of my test!! When I got to see a copy of my writing sample - I could not even recall writing it!! I have written so many preptests before and I don't know if this means I was just super concentrated or if I did really poorly.
@"Jahn.Snow" said:
How do they curve the exam when there are so many variations? Do they curve specific test variations based on the performance of those who took that variation or is there one overall curve?
I am curious too. First time test taker here. Has anyone responded to this?
@srz12797 said:
Just finished and not sure my performance reflected my true ability, a mix of nerves and IMO difficult content, as well as my proctor still talking to me as the test began (has anyone had this happen?) it was a bit distracting as I was trying to use every second I had. Thoughts? Advise? Ugh.
I had some proctor issues, too. He interrupted me during the last 5 minutes of the first section for 3 minutes and it really threw me off. I guess there was an issue with his chat box, but I wish he would have waited until the section was over. If you contact LSAC they might be able to help. They gave me the option of a re-test or to cancel the score and get August for free. It's worth asking!
@rschade18 said:
Anyone know if we can take writing at any time?
I still need to take it, lol. You just need to have writing on sample to send out scores. A friend of mine last year took the exam in June and didn't do the writing part until August.
1. ordering of student seating (maybe?)
2. upper and lower floors
3. break in at a museum
4. econ course w prerequisites
It was really hard mostly because it was my first section and I was really nervous. Also I kept getting the upper and lower floors mixed up in my mind. Could have been -0 could have been -5 (LMAO).
1. Britaain - English Pacifist
2. Inuit gov't in Canada
3. Judicial philosophy
4. Keystone species
Relatively easy. I thought. One question in the keystone passage that i'm still unsure about.
1. high sodium diets (still can't figure out the answer RIP)
2. Chinese dinosaurs
3. arson/cracked glass
I had the exact same test (i.e. in the same order, too). I thought the last game was deceptively easy.
Is there any chance they disclose this test?
this was my form too! sadly, probably not disclosed, at least not for a long time
LG, my second section, was going extremely well at first (thanks 7sage!) for the first two games. The last two, econ/museum, hurt my progress. I skipped the museum one to do the econ one (which I thought would be able to do more effectively from knowledge of previous games) but there was a lot going on in it. When I was running out of time and went back to do the museum one, I realized the key inferences too late to finish all of the questions. While I think I got the first two games completely right, I probably got -6 to -7 in the LG section due to the last two games.
By museum do you mean art theft?
If yes then we had the same exam.
exactly!! I can't tell if I did super well or horrible. It's somewhat comforting to know I'm not the only one who had this experience though. Hope you get the result you were looking for!
@pusheen32 said:
Don't worry too much about it. This happened to me too on my first LSAT. I went completely on autopilot during the test, and forgot everything that happened in the 1h45mins. Turned out I scored higher than I have ever scored in PTs. So, really, don't worry too much.
That said, I'm going to take my second (and last) LSAT tomorrow... Fingers crossed that it goes well.
Ah! Thank you! This makes me feel a bit better. I hope that’s the case for me too. Best of luck to you!
@mor3440 hey I saw that they offered you a retake. If i had some proctor issues as well would I be able to see my score first then decide if i want to retake/ get a free test in August? Or did they tell you you’d have to decide without seeing your score?
International people joining the party now. I just finished. I don't feel bad, but I don't feel great either.....
I had some technical difficulties, so ended starting an hour late. Proctor was fine enough, but they did interrupt me during LG right as I was making a big brain inference and I completely lost my train of thought and had to change games
Did anyone have human rights/silk in Colombia/Locke/bipedalism on RC? Thought it was pretty dense and basically ran out of time! I can be anywhere between -0 to -6 on RC though, so it's hard to judge... hoping the other sections balance me out and that there's a nice curve...
I take my test in a about 9 hours! I'm in New Zealand so we take it a week after all the U.S. folks. The commentary has been helpful! Thank you all! Wish me luck!
@SwissCheese4123 said:
Did anyone have human rights/silk in Colombia/Locke/bipedalism on RC? Thought it was pretty dense and basically ran out of time! I can be anywhere between -0 to -6 on RC though, so it's hard to judge... hoping the other sections balance me out and that there's a nice curve...
That's the same with mine! I think i was lost in the bipedalism
@SwissCheese4123 said:
Did anyone have human rights/silk in Colombia/Locke/bipedalism on RC? Thought it was pretty dense and basically ran out of time! I can be anywhere between -0 to -6 on RC though, so it's hard to judge... hoping the other sections balance me out and that there's a nice curve...
I did! I think my brain left my body for the Locke passage
@SwissCheese4123 said:
Did anyone have human rights/silk in Colombia/Locke/bipedalism on RC? Thought it was pretty dense and basically ran out of time! I can be anywhere between -0 to -6 on RC though, so it's hard to judge... hoping the other sections balance me out and that there's a nice curve...
I had that RC too--it was brutal for me! It was my first section and I couldn't find a rhythm at all so I am quite nervous about how many I got wrong...
@SwissCheese4123 said:
Did anyone have human rights/silk in Colombia/Locke/bipedalism on RC? Thought it was pretty dense and basically ran out of time! I can be anywhere between -0 to -6 on RC though, so it's hard to judge... hoping the other sections balance me out and that there's a nice curve...
I had that RC too--it was brutal for me! It was my first section and I couldn't find a rhythm at all so I am quite nervous about how many I got wrong...
@itonydelatorre said:
Took it earlier. Felt really good about LR as usual. Surprisingly RC felt pretty good. A little scared about LG. The first, third and last games weren't too bad, but for some reason, I just could not process something about the classes in upper and lower halls game. Had to guess on a few of those due to time.
I did great on that one (at least I think I did). I just drew out every possible scenario real quick. The museum game is the one that tripped me up. I was sure I had it all right and then the last question had me realizing my lineup was wrong and the previous five questions were probably wrong based on that. Oh well. This set of LG was definitely the one to get a -0 on, and I probably screwed that up. I felt like all the games would be labeled no more difficult than a 3 here on 7sage.
Feel pretty good about the test, but LR is always a toss-up. I've thought I did pretty well only to see I missed 12-13 on LR. So hopefully July 1 brings good news. That LSAT was definitely easier than any PT i've taken in the leadup to this thing.
Yea this June lsat seemed a lot easier than most of the 80s tests, esp the LG. It was my third time taking it though so maybe that’s why it felt easier? 😆I’m cautiously optimistic and just biding my time till 7/1.
International test. Had LR first and went on autopilot. I don’t remember how I got through that section but I don’t feel too good about LR. I remember a question about chicken. And that’s it. For some reason RC was smooth sailing for me. Bipedalism was dense but for the first time ever I felt really good about RC. For the LG the 3rd game about scholarships really tripped me up.
International Test! Took it this morning June 18th KST
RC felt like normal difficulty, like any standard 80s RC
1.Brittain’s Change from Pro war to Pacificist (moderate-easy)
2. Nunavut + Inuits and Government (moderate-easy)
3. Judicial Laws by Courts (difficult)
4. Carnivorous Starfish and Effect on Ecology (medium - difficult)
LR felt okay, but not 100% sure if my intuitions are reliable. Nothing crazy.
It had a question about people's average raffle entry guesses, bird fossils found and about how they were likely to have been gliders, appreciating the use of poetry, 1800s houses and buildings in certain districts, governments promoting equality,
I don't remember much else about the LR as it was a blur but it felt easier than 85/86 LR.
Overall, unless it was one of those tests where you don't even realize you are getting DESTROYED, my version of the June test was straightforward and fair.
Prerequisite how the hell was I supposed to set that crap up. Almost made that game waste more of my damn time. Smh LR? Wtf? They didn’t have to make it so obvious that they were trying to make the LR much harder on purpose.
The first RC passage was arguably the most difficult and convoluted I've ever experienced. It was very abstract. I was expecting a one or two-star difficulty passage to start. Interestingly, lots of folks here saying RC was normal for them. Did anyone feel like they had a similar experience to me?
Also, I didn't know a harder passage could come first. I thought RC passages came in order of difficulty always.
@itonydelatorre said:
Took it earlier. Felt really good about LR as usual. Surprisingly RC felt pretty good. A little scared about LG. The first, third and last games weren't too bad, but for some reason, I just could not process something about the classes in upper and lower halls game. Had to guess on a few of those due to time.
I did great on that one (at least I think I did). I just drew out every possible scenario real quick. The museum game is the one that tripped me up. I was sure I had it all right and then the last question had me realizing my lineup was wrong and the previous five questions were probably wrong based on that. Oh well. This set of LG was definitely the one to get a -0 on, and I probably screwed that up. I felt like all the games would be labeled no more difficult than a 3 here on 7sage.
Feel pretty good about the test, but LR is always a toss-up. I've thought I did pretty well only to see I missed 12-13 on LR. So hopefully July 1 brings good news. That LSAT was definitely easier than any PT i've taken in the leadup to this thing.
I had the other LG section (the one about truckloads and presidents/secretaries/treasurers) so I have no idea about the LG w/ museums and economics, but based on what many others have said and Powerscore's perceptions on the exam, I feel like there'd be at least one game in that section that'll be rated higher than 3 stars on this site. Again, I have no clue how these games went specifically, but too many people thought this section was notably difficult, and even Powerscore inputted that this section MAY broaden the curve by 0.5-1 point, such that it doesn't sound so easy that all the games would be rated 3 stars or lower.
Sorry that it didn't go to your planning, but keep in mind that there may be a chance (based on Powerscore's curve predictions) that your LG section may broaden the curve!
@eriksisrael said:
What a wild ride this has been.
I also had the Japanese Bells LR/Econ LG/Brittain RC
Honestly, I'm feeling good. Like.... really good... It worries me a little. I know for a fact that I got -0 on LG as I had time to go back over the stimuli and my rule translations and all flagged questions.
RC felt ridiculously easy compared to the PTs in the 80s I've been taking. The passages were long and dense, but I felt like they took it easy on us with the actual question difficulty to compensate...
I had the same RC section and it's funny that you mention that part at the end about them taking it easy on us w/ the questions because I felt similarly. I was even scared that I missed something after completing my test because some people apparently thought this RC was very challenging. But based on Powerscore's prediction of this RC section being a reasonable section that did not make the curve any more lenient/broader (they predicted this RC section would +0 the curve while they thought that the other RC section w/ the copyright passage was more challenging, and hence broadened the curve -1), I feel like our suspicions regarding the rigor of the questions may be accurate. We'll see I guess!
@"Pretzel Logic" said:
The first RC passage was arguably the most difficult and convoluted I've ever experienced. It was very abstract. I was expecting a one or two-star difficulty passage to start. Interestingly, lots of folks here saying RC was normal for them. Did anyone feel like they had a similar experience to me?
Also, I didn't know a harder passage could come first. I thought RC passages came in order of difficulty always.
The RC seemed very challenging for me, but perhaps because my dumba$$ did them out of order (my game plan was to do the passages with most questions first). I only had 5mins left to do Inuit and was pissed because I really guessed and those would’ve been easy AF to answer had I gone in order. I loved the LG section and felt ok about the LR
@vgillia1 said: @mor3440 hey I saw that they offered you a retake. If i had some proctor issues as well would I be able to see my score first then decide if i want to retake/ get a free test in August? Or did they tell you you’d have to decide without seeing your score?
I just saw this, so sorry I didn't see it earlier! No, if you chose to see your score you won't get the free option. But, if you paid for the score preview and are a first time taker you can cancel your score within 6 or 8 days of seeing it. Law schools see the cancel though, so it's up to you if you think the score or cancel looks better. One of the lsac workers told me you can try asking for a coupon for the August one after seeing your score and explain the situation, but it's unlikely they will. Hope this helps, I'm sure you still did great!
It was my first time taking the LSAT, and I only had a month to study. Not sure if I should be excited about a 140, or not. I mean, I have no idea what the basic "You showed up and took the test" score is.
One whole year of studying and 3 official LSAT takes later, managed to score a 166 on the June exam! I am highly considering a 4th retake to try and break 170, as I am shooting for a T14 school, but I am afraid of jinxing it and ending up with a lower 4th score that may weaken my overall application. At any rate, so relieved to have made it to 166 from a 144 diagnostic score. Heartfelt thanks to JY and the whole team at 7sage!
Finished my exam about an hour ago! I am uncertain of how I did, to be honest. I found there LR to be pretty standard, though there were a few questions where I had a tossup between two answers.
LG, my second section, was going extremely well at first (thanks 7sage!) for the first two games. The last two, econ/museum, hurt my progress. I skipped the museum one to do the econ one (which I thought would be able to do more effectively from knowledge of previous games) but there was a lot going on in it. When I was running out of time and went back to do the museum one, I realized the key inferences too late to finish all of the questions. While I think I got the first two games completely right, I probably got -6 to -7 in the LG section due to the last two games.
RC was going pretty well but the passages were extremely dense (Brittain/Inuit/legal/predator). I got through the first three passages with seven minutes to read and do the questions for the last one, as I got caught up in passage 3. I probably guessed on half of the questions in the last passage, though I was feeling somewhat good about the previous sections.
I started at a 146 last year, brought it up to a 156 by the Jan LSAT, and brought my PT average up to a 160 - 162 by studying for this June LSAT exam (since early May - after I graduated). This is my final (and fourth) time taking the LSAT, and simply for scholarship negotiation/waitlist purposes. Hoping if I got -7 in LG, -4 in LR (my recent avg), and at most -7 or -8 in RC that I can pull off a 160. GL everyone (and, hoping for a nice curve to help out
Has anybody else had tech difficulties where the system kicks you out and then takes away a couple of minutes from your section? It happened to me twice during my exam and they got some really cute footage of me crying
@angelicaafanador11 i experienced massive technical difficulties and system kicked me out, video lost as well. I filed a test day complaint. I would say file a test day complaint for retest?
@angelicaafanador11, it happened to me toward the end of section 2! I had like 2-3 minutes just disappear:(
First time test taker, and like some of yall I got kicked out too which kinda freaked me out cause I started the second section while knowing I did worse on the first so I just completely winged it.
Is there a game similar to the Econ and Museum game? The rules really tripped me and while I could see how to diagram them, the extra variable or rule like (econ's pre-req) and for the Museum I just did not understand how to solve for worlds using the rules it gave, so I panicked.
This might be because I really only studied the theories and concepts of everything, but have like less than 5 PT's timed under my belt ( older ones at that, with like 1 PT in the 70s), I thought the language was much harder than the PT's and Timed sections I practiced with, and it seemed harder to eliminate choices (like usually I could eliminate choices based on out of context, sufficient necessary etc., usually I could get it down to two options for most of the questions especially the 1-15 questions.
I had like a sequencing game which the 6th question made me feel like I did it wrong.
I did not understand how to solve worlds for the econ because the pre-req rule/variable through me off.
And the hall and museum game I just did not know how to make worlds for the diagram I made. I think one or two of the rules confused me for this too.
Today was my first lsat and I feel like I blacked out. I have no recollection of the test. I think I must have done it on auto-pilot. No idea how I did. Is this normal?? Such a weird experience. Like that feeling when you’ve been driving a while and suddenly you realize you’ve been zoned out the whole time but somehow you’ve been driving fine and end up at your destination. I’ve taken a ton of PT’s and never have complete amnesia after the test. Reading some of the other comments here is the only way some memory of the test is coming back to me. Can’t tell if this is a bad sign! Anyway, praying I don’t have to sit for another test!
First time taker here too, RC and LR seemed like language was harder prob because I was nervous, LG was normal for my standard which is not super high
Month and half studying, but I feel like i can bring it much higher, so I am taking another LSAT for sure. I started 2 hours later because of mistake in timezone and scheduling (which I am willing to take ownership for) and technical issues. Proctor was great, but wait for proctor was super long. Overall not a bad experience, gyn and tonic for me tonight. CHEERS! Great job everyone!
I took my test on sunday. it all started out with technical issues because my new laptop camera did not work. so thankfully i had a back up laptop and it worked so an hour later and my bad nerves i finally gave it a go when i probably should have just rescheduled. LG looked way different it was nothing like my practice exam ones it look tricky and just hard to grasp. RC was extremely long passages it was just ridiculous. LR was ok for me i was able to get through that section overall i dont feel confident about it. Im just glad its over and now im questioning should i even bother...............sigh
Finished my test today. During the exam I disconnected five times. Twice during logic games and three times during RC. During the test there was a severe power outage in my area and my internet was out for around 30 minutes. I was able to complete LG but had to guess on the last 3 questions and for RC had to guess on almost every question in the 4th passage. I'm pretty upset and Idk what to do next. Is there a way to retake the june flex later this week? Should I file a complaint and get a coupon to take August? Should I cancel this score and wait to see what I get before canceling (if you can even do that) or just cancel when filing a complaint?
I had LR-LG-RC. LR I remember being relatively fine, medium difficulty, finished on time but I remember I had the most trouble with
LG first 3 games were honestly pretty do-able. I had
RC felt pretty hard tbh, it's actually my best section in PTs but...idk if it's cause it was last or I was tired or what, but I felt like the passages were tougher to digest than previous RC sections I've done, or like the answers just really weren't as obvious. I had time to finish but no time to check answers which is unusual for me. Honestly this section could be -1 or -7 for all I know...
Overall, my goal score is 170+ and I've been PTing right around that range..feel like it's a possibility on this exam but could also easily be 160s. Hoping for a generous curve here (idk if it matters that this is the exam w/ the two games everyone's been talking about). Anyone else have this exam/one of these sections & have thoughts on it
This is the same test I had. LR seemed decent but I took longer on some of the earlier questions than normal, RC I didn't think was too bad, but the last 2 passages were definitely tougher. LG was brutal for me when I got to the museum/econ games. I also had technical issues that caused me to start the test over 2 hours after my original start time but I eventually got it sorted out
i had the same exam. I totally blacked out on LR don’t remember much about it other than ET being talked about, might be a toss up for me.
LG was great until the museum question ate up my time. confident i did well on it but it gave me no time for the last game. I got super stressed on the econ game and could not figure it out for the LIFE of me I probably missed 2 or 3 of the questions.
RC is my strong point and i think it went well. The law passage was super dense, i agree, kind of surprising.
I’m hoping the curve is merciful haha!
What a wild ride this has been.
I also had the Japanese Bells LR/Econ LG/Brittain RC
Honestly, I'm feeling good. Like.... really good... It worries me a little. I know for a fact that I got -0 on LG as I had time to go back over the stimuli and my rule translations and all flagged questions.
RC felt ridiculously easy compared to the PTs in the 80s I've been taking. The passages were long and dense, but I felt like they took it easy on us with the actual question difficulty to compensate... My worst RC performances have all been in those sections where the questions have a sort of LR-esque quality to them, for lack of a better word. This test didn't have that. At all. It weirded me out and still does. I had 3 questions flagged at the end that I felt 75% on. I usually miss 1 or 2 in RC that I don't flag, but I had time left over this time so I'm hoping that since I never felt rushed, that I didn't make any dumb mistakes.... fingers crossed for -3.
LR felt fairly average. One question in particular threw me off in the first couple of questions, with a super "obvious" answer choice, and another answer choice that was verbose, but I believe correct... It was a really strange rendition of the typical answer choice for point at issue, and I still wonder if I was overthinking it. I think I had like 4 questions flagged at the end and almost never miss unflagged LR questions historically. So here's hoping for a -2 on LR.
Weird test. It was cool to see the slight differences in LG stimuli. I also noticed some uniquely-flavored LR answer choices that I thought were cool.
Thinking my best case scenario is 70/75. Worst case is 67/75. I reckon I'm flirting with 170 pending curve..... God I hope so.
Don't worry too much about it. This happened to me too on my first LSAT. I went completely on autopilot during the test, and forgot everything that happened in the 1h45mins. Turned out I scored higher than I have ever scored in PTs. So, really, don't worry too much.
That said, I'm going to take my second (and last) LSAT tomorrow... Fingers crossed that it goes well.
@pusheen32 jw, if you outscored all your PTs on your first take, why did you take again?
Ah! Thank you! This makes me feel a bit better. I hope that’s the case for me too. Best of luck to you!
Just wanna say congrats to all the first time test takers who've been studying for months (years?), going through all the resources & tutoring to bolster knowledge of how to think in order to be successful on the test. And also major congrats to any of the "later in life" test takers.
For some of us it took a long while to come to a decision about moving in this direction. This was a major step. Needless to say, I was emotional after finishing it.
RC got a little WTF at the end -- I can't even remember the topics after Af. Am cultural literacy, Everything started ok and went south by the middle of passage 2, not even because the content was so hard or densely worded -- THE QUESTIONS just left me feeling like "What are you even asking me?" Gaining an understanding left little time for questions. Luckily it had the least amount of questions.
LR - mixed bag but doable, as long as exposure to question type and practice leading up was thorough. Nothing memorable. For myself I felt the traps were jumping out at me... Only the score will tell.
LG - the museum game, definitely brute forced my way through the layers of possibility; seemed like I had to do it for each question and the last question was like HUH until I got to the Econ game and since I saw the pre-req condition for that one was gonna be hairy I went back to the museum and beat down the last question until the answer revealed itself bc frankly I'd just put too much time into the whole game to leave it to chance. The Econ game was gross (aka all about deductions) and barely left enough time to answer the questions even though there were fewer than in the other games. I think it was definitely designed that way to f*** with you mid-section. Had to re-focus, re-draw boards and tell myself "it's ok... it's ok..." LOL
I feel like the test was medium-hard. Not a bad experience, no technical issues. Fingers crossed on the outcome.
Oh my goodness! I have not been able to recall A SINGLE topic from my entire LSAT, and this post slightly jogged my memory. Some of the LG topics you mentioned seem familiar to me! I have absolutely no clue how I may have scored and it is really bothering me:(
I am actually so relieved to hear you say this because I had the same experience!! I cannot remember a single moment of my test!! When I got to see a copy of my writing sample - I could not even recall writing it!! I have written so many preptests before and I don't know if this means I was just super concentrated or if I did really poorly.
I am curious too. First time test taker here. Has anyone responded to this?
I had some proctor issues, too. He interrupted me during the last 5 minutes of the first section for 3 minutes and it really threw me off. I guess there was an issue with his chat box, but I wish he would have waited until the section was over. If you contact LSAC they might be able to help. They gave me the option of a re-test or to cancel the score and get August for free. It's worth asking!
I still need to take it, lol. You just need to have writing on sample to send out scores. A friend of mine last year took the exam in June and didn't do the writing part until August.
this was my form too! sadly, probably not disclosed, at least not for a long time
By museum do you mean art theft?
If yes then we had the same exam.
Is the mueseum or econ game similar to any other tests?
exactly!! I can't tell if I did super well or horrible. It's somewhat comforting to know I'm not the only one who had this experience though. Hope you get the result you were looking for!
I didn't prepare for it for too long before the first take and so wanted to have a better shot (aiming for scholarships)
Thanks! Best of luck to you too
@mor3440 hey I saw that they offered you a retake. If i had some proctor issues as well would I be able to see my score first then decide if i want to retake/ get a free test in August? Or did they tell you you’d have to decide without seeing your score?
International people joining the party now. I just finished. I don't feel bad, but I don't feel great either.....
I had some technical difficulties, so ended starting an hour late. Proctor was fine enough, but they did interrupt me during LG right as I was making a big brain inference and I completely lost my train of thought and had to change games
Did anyone have human rights/silk in Colombia/Locke/bipedalism on RC? Thought it was pretty dense and basically ran out of time! I can be anywhere between -0 to -6 on RC though, so it's hard to judge... hoping the other sections balance me out and that there's a nice curve...
I take my test in a about 9 hours! I'm in New Zealand so we take it a week after all the U.S. folks. The commentary has been helpful! Thank you all! Wish me luck!
That's the same with mine! I think i was lost in the bipedalism
I did! I think my brain left my body for the Locke passage
I had that RC too--it was brutal for me! It was my first section and I couldn't find a rhythm at all so I am quite nervous about how many I got wrong...
Same as mine. Super harc rc—reasonable lr—-easy lg
Yea this June lsat seemed a lot easier than most of the 80s tests, esp the LG. It was my third time taking it though so maybe that’s why it felt easier? 😆I’m cautiously optimistic and just biding my time till 7/1.
International test. Had LR first and went on autopilot. I don’t remember how I got through that section but I don’t feel too good about LR. I remember a question about chicken. And that’s it. For some reason RC was smooth sailing for me. Bipedalism was dense but for the first time ever I felt really good about RC. For the LG the 3rd game about scholarships really tripped me up.
International Test! Took it this morning June 18th KST
RC felt like normal difficulty, like any standard 80s RC
1.Brittain’s Change from Pro war to Pacificist (moderate-easy)
2. Nunavut + Inuits and Government (moderate-easy)
3. Judicial Laws by Courts (difficult)
4. Carnivorous Starfish and Effect on Ecology (medium - difficult)
LG felt pretty easy.
Trucks + North/West/South
President/Secretary/Treasurer Committee Game.
LR felt okay, but not 100% sure if my intuitions are reliable. Nothing crazy.
It had a question about people's average raffle entry guesses, bird fossils found and about how they were likely to have been gliders, appreciating the use of poetry, 1800s houses and buildings in certain districts, governments promoting equality,
I don't remember much else about the LR as it was a blur but it felt easier than 85/86 LR.
Overall, unless it was one of those tests where you don't even realize you are getting DESTROYED, my version of the June test was straightforward and fair.
Prerequisite how the hell was I supposed to set that crap up. Almost made that game waste more of my damn time. Smh LR? Wtf? They didn’t have to make it so obvious that they were trying to make the LR much harder on purpose.
The first RC passage was arguably the most difficult and convoluted I've ever experienced. It was very abstract. I was expecting a one or two-star difficulty passage to start. Interestingly, lots of folks here saying RC was normal for them. Did anyone feel like they had a similar experience to me?
Also, I didn't know a harder passage could come first. I thought RC passages came in order of difficulty always.
I had the other LG section (the one about truckloads and presidents/secretaries/treasurers) so I have no idea about the LG w/ museums and economics, but based on what many others have said and Powerscore's perceptions on the exam, I feel like there'd be at least one game in that section that'll be rated higher than 3 stars on this site. Again, I have no clue how these games went specifically, but too many people thought this section was notably difficult, and even Powerscore inputted that this section MAY broaden the curve by 0.5-1 point, such that it doesn't sound so easy that all the games would be rated 3 stars or lower.
Sorry that it didn't go to your planning, but keep in mind that there may be a chance (based on Powerscore's curve predictions) that your LG section may broaden the curve!
I had the same RC section and it's funny that you mention that part at the end about them taking it easy on us w/ the questions because I felt similarly. I was even scared that I missed something after completing my test because some people apparently thought this RC was very challenging. But based on Powerscore's prediction of this RC section being a reasonable section that did not make the curve any more lenient/broader (they predicted this RC section would +0 the curve while they thought that the other RC section w/ the copyright passage was more challenging, and hence broadened the curve -1), I feel like our suspicions regarding the rigor of the questions may be accurate. We'll see I guess!
The RC seemed very challenging for me, but perhaps because my dumba$$ did them out of order (my game plan was to do the passages with most questions first). I only had 5mins left to do Inuit and was pissed because I really guessed and those would’ve been easy AF to answer had I gone in order. I loved the LG section and felt ok about the LR
scores are out, log into your account
argh. I did ok, but worse than I expected
I just saw this, so sorry I didn't see it earlier! No, if you chose to see your score you won't get the free option. But, if you paid for the score preview and are a first time taker you can cancel your score within 6 or 8 days of seeing it. Law schools see the cancel though, so it's up to you if you think the score or cancel looks better. One of the lsac workers told me you can try asking for a coupon for the August one after seeing your score and explain the situation, but it's unlikely they will. Hope this helps, I'm sure you still did great!
It was my first time taking the LSAT, and I only had a month to study. Not sure if I should be excited about a 140, or not. I mean, I have no idea what the basic "You showed up and took the test" score is.
One whole year of studying and 3 official LSAT takes later, managed to score a 166 on the June exam! I am highly considering a 4th retake to try and break 170, as I am shooting for a T14 school, but I am afraid of jinxing it and ending up with a lower 4th score that may weaken my overall application. At any rate, so relieved to have made it to 166 from a 144 diagnostic score. Heartfelt thanks to JY and the whole team at 7sage!
@mor3440 thanks so much!!
A 156 after 6 months of studying for my first LSAT. I don’t know if I should be proud or concerned with my score.