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Any words of motivation?

So_ZuSo_Zu Member
in General 17 karma

I've been studying since end of March/Early April 2021 with plans to take the Aug 2021 test. Started at 153 and have been working on the CC everyday since. I'm still not finished CC (about 60% done), but I'm starting to feel like maybe I should give up on the whole thing. Highest score to date is a 159 but my most recent PTs have been 158 and 156. Pretty disappointing and feels like I'm getting worse as the test creeps closer.

Any advise or motivation?


  • Lime Green DotLime Green Dot Member
    edited June 2021 1384 karma

    Hmm... A 153 is actually an amazing diagnostic! You're in a pretty strong starting place, so that might be why it's taking longer to solidify progress. I can say this for sure: March-April 2021 wasn't all that long ago, and considering you're just a little over halfway done with the CC, I don't think it's a good idea to be PT-ing yet. It would be better to focus your energies on navigating the lessons, actively and engaged, completing and carefully reviewing your answers to ALL the problem sets, and asking questions where you need to, both to yourself--it's important to verbalize uncertainties--and on the community board. The problem sets are a good stage to implement the right kind of BR strategy that you'll be carrying out en masse when you take and review PTs.

    Once you make it to the CC 'finish line,' I think that'll be the golden time to really start PT-ing and applying all the wealth of information you've learned and began to practice. Until that milestone, doing PTs is like climbing a mountain without all the necessary tools. Yeah, you might make a little progress here and there, but not nearly the same kind you'd be making if you started out with the proper wherewithal.

    I think you'd be doing yourself a huge favor by ensuring your best, most shaped-up preparedness going into the PT climb (i.e., by finishing that CC & finishing it well!!), so that you can also better assess whether any challenges you meet along your way to the top aren't a result of a lack of knowledge about how to approach a particular game, question-type or passage. But know also that it might require returning to lessons or old problem sets and that there is no shame at all in this. It's not regression--it's solidification!

    Also, I'm sure you know August 2021 isn't the only test you can take. It may be your ideal target date, but it's not a concrete, one-chance-only, must-do-it-now-or-never administration. If you're aiming for Fall '22 admission, even taking the next test in October should still keep you in a good position in terms of the application timeline. So don't fret if you're not quite where you want to be come August.

    Consider postponing if you're not where you want to be in terms of your avg. PT score as August inches close and you want to go further. Take it from someone who knew she had to defer (after having registered) not one, not two, but t e n times. Yes, ten. But when I took it, you can be sure I was going in with reasoned confidence that it was the right time for me. Time will tell whether my results will be on par, but I can't recall a moment either during or after the test when I wondered whether I'd made a good decision in taking it this time. Likewise, the test dates don't know when you'll be truly ready, only you do.

    So I'd say focus on where you are right now and completing lessons and problem sets with quality and depth, and yep, keep your eyes on the PT prize, but take this journey at the pace you need to with surety in each step!

  • brookegojazzbrookegojazz Core Member
    360 karma

    Hey there!

    Don’t give up! The LSAT truly is learnable, but it’s not like many other tests and subjects. I think the best (and perhaps most annoying 😂) advice I got was to take the test when I was truly ready. I thought I could be ready for this test after 3 months…. I am now at 2 years of studying and finally scoring where I need to! I started at a 152 diagnostic and am now consistently scoring in the 170s. I don’t think it has to take two years (I’m a parent and work full time as a teacher in the pandemic so it’s been a long road for me), but it does take consistent time and practice. Don’t give up, you can do it! And reach out to me if you need help, for real!

    You can do this.

  • So_ZuSo_Zu Member
    17 karma

    Thank you both so much. I was really going down the rabbit hole of tears and self-doubt, and this helped immensely.

  • yunonsieyunonsie Member
    611 karma

    It took me about a year to go from 149 diagnostic to high-160s. And like someone else said, a 153 diagnostic is great! If anything, keep going with the CC and think about postponing your test date. This test isn't about meeting a deadline, it's about understanding concepts and reasoning. Don't rush it. Try to take your scores in stride and learn from them. It's hard, like really hard, but you got this.

  • laurennnnlaurennnn Member
    86 karma

    Feeling the exact same way. Started with a diagnostic of 161 in mid-March. Am in my 30s and work full-time. Have been trying to study a little bit most days since the beginning of April. Only just finishing LR part of the CC, haven't touched LG, have no idea if any of this is working because I haven't taken any PTs since my diagnostic. Signed up for the August test but honestly who knows at this point.

    No words of wisdom, just a salute from a fellow traveler.

  • agc438agc438 Alum Member
    253 karma

    Don't worry. I'm in the same boat. Rn, I'm scoring 156's on my tests. I think you should start doing tests bc you will def. have a lot left over by August, but that's controversial so take it with a grain of salt. What you shouldn't take for a grain of salt is the Analytics tab. I just discovered if a few days ago and it's absolutely amazing how 7sage straight up tells you what to prioritize with charts and stuff.

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