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I want to make a study group for those that are currently scoring between 168 and 174ish. With a small group of individuals, we could make a group chat where we discuss questions that we had regarding specific questions that we got stumped on. Specifically, it could be beneficial if we all take the same practice test(s) a week, and then go over the questions that each individual got wrong - say on zoom or FaceTime. It would make the review process more active & fun. Comment below & then DM me your name/number if you're comfortable with that.
I just graduated from undergrad in California.
I am interested, willing and able to get started on this! Dming you my name and number!
i would be interested!
Definitely interested. I'm needing a group to talk through some of the more difficult questions on PTs
Interested! My average on my last 10 PTs is 175 and I'm also from California.
Sounds good
I'm totally in. Will DM you.
Interested too.
This would be great!
Very interested!