PT97.S2.Q2 (P1) - Historian Philips Aries claimed that in medieval Europe...

edited July 2021 in Reading Comprehension 211 karma

Can someone explain why C isn't right

We know that she had to work hard on finding these docs because of how exceptional it is. So why can't we say it's scant

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  • 211 karma

    Is it because the 2nd paragraph doesn't focus on treatment it focuses on conception, making C wrong because we don't know about the quantity of treatment

  • McBeck418McBeck418 Member
    500 karma

    I would agree with that. That part of the passage doesn’t talk about how children were treated. We also don’t know how scant the information is, even if it is hard to get. The theological documents, at least, were ‘particularly illuminating’ so that might even suggest a reasonable amount of information.

    Line 7-9 explicitly supports answer choice E and is about how children were treated as miniature adults and portrayed as such.

  • Can someone explain...

    For Question 1, Why (D) was wrong? I think Shahar is refuting Aries hypothesis...
    For Question 6, Why (C) was wrong? Why (D) was correct? I think Aries does not agree that people viewed their children as miniature adults.

    Many thanks for your help!

  • Chris NguyenChris Nguyen Alum Member Administrator Sage 7Sage Tutor
    4593 karma

    Hey there @quadrupleaxel!

    For Question #1, you're correct, Shahar is trying to refute Aries's hypothesis, but the question that's being asked is what the passage (AKA the author) is primarily concerned with.

    I think we may be able to say that Aries is primarily concerned with refuting Shahar's hypothesis, but I don't think we can say the author is concerned with that. In fact, I think the author doesn't even agree with Aries's claims, as seen in the first sentence of the last paragraph.

    For Question #6, you're right. He doesn't agree with what D is saying...but look at what the question is asking us to do! It's an except question. We trying to find something that Aries would not agree with. That's why D is correct, because Aries would be most likely to not agree with it.

    For questions #1 and #6, there's an underlying pattern of misinterpreting exactly what the question stem is asking us to answer. I think that could be something you can work on to increase your score. This is also what we do in tutoring sessions - diagnose errors that are going on to help increase your score. If you're interested, feel free to schedule a consultation with one of our tutors using this link here:

    I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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