Complicated (??) LOR Question

kimchifaaankimchifaaan Core Member
edited July 2021 in Law School Admissions 12 karma

Would it disadvantage me to ask for a LOR from a professor from a different university who taught a course at my university that I took with her? She came to my university, taught a class one spring, and I really enjoyed her class and got a lot out of it but she isn't technically a professor at my university, she is a professor at another university close by. Can anyway take a guess on how that would be viewed during admissions or if it doesn't really matter?


  • jknarf513jknarf513 Member
    189 karma

    I wouldn't think it would matter much so long as the professor explained in the LOR the circumstances of her teaching you. What's most important is that you've chosen someone who can speak to your academic abilities, preferably someone who at least sort of knows you. If you think this is the right professor to ask, I'd go for it and maybe request that they explain they were a guest professor.

  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    Former admissions officer here. I agree with @jknarf513 that the title of your academic recommender is less important than their ability to write about your academic performance and future potential in a strong, positive, and specific way. A detailed, strong, positive, and specific LOR from a visiting professor is more helpful to the admissions committee than a general and vague LOR from the dean of a university. Good luck!

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