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Proctor U

I am writing my LSAT on Tuesday, but I am a bit confused about the process. Am i supposed to download the proctor myself before hand, like right now, or are they going to send it to me.
How am I going to access my test on the day?
Would someone please not mind explaining it to me??
Thank you


  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    You should have set up a ProcturU account when you signed up for your test day/time. I would recommend logging in and doing their systems check to make sure everything is in order. You will receive something from them, I believe, or you can just go onto ProctorU's website and start your test from there at your designated time.

    The proctor remotely controls your computer for the entire test, and they will be accessing it through your LawHub account. Just make sure you have nothing else running on your computer or open.

    I hope that mostly answers your question!

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