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Question about material suitable for LR weak type drilling


I've heard that sorting for your weak LR types and drilling these questions can be highly beneficial. My question is -- should I have experienced these questions within their full sections before employing them for drills? Or can I safely use material from untouched, old PTs and still get a lot of value out this practice? I'm writing the LSAT for the first time in November so I fear I won't have the time to work through all those ancient PTs, but I don't want to waste valuable material needlessly.

If it's no issue, where should I draw the line for which old PTs to use for this purpose? (pre 52, 40 , 30 etc.)


  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma

    The most recent tests are the most important in take in full, time PT scenarios. I think you start by prioritizing that way. I see nothing wrong with using tests pre-60ish for drilling if you are short on time and won't get to all of those tests. If you see yourself only realistically getting to only 10 or 15 of the most recent tests as timed PT, then you can open up those drilling tests a little bit more.

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