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Getting more accurate but struggling with the speed

Grey WardenGrey Warden Alum Member
edited June 2015 in Logic Games 813 karma
Hi, I have been practicing logic games following the fool proof method, it has helped a lot in my confidence. I have become better and getting -2 or -3 for the logic games section i do the first time, however, i have been struggling with the speed. For games which should take 8 minutes i end up taking 13-14, for most games i take like 5 minutes extra than the ideal time to finish though i get almost all answers correct. Anyone else experiencing the same? I have finished the logic games core curriculum and haven't started taking practice tests yet, should i get the Cambridge lg bundle, should i recycle the games from the core curriculum? Will drilling the same types of game would be more helpful? Any suggestions


  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    Yep! Drilling the same games will be helpful! Eventually the inferences just come to you at rapid speed. Keep drilling as you make your way through your prep tests.
    What I do..... and probably what other people do... is I print the prep test and then I print the games section twice. So when I'm done the exam and go to blind review, I go through the second LG section slowly to make sure I understand the games and can get to the right answer.
  • Aiesha G.Aiesha G. Alum Member
    199 karma
    I am still early on in my prep but from what I have been reading many others experience the same thing! I am one of those people. LG is my worst section but I am improving accuracy at the expense of time just like you. Rest assured, if we keep on drilling the familiarity will come and we will eventually get faster. Hopefully sooner than later for our confidence. Best of luck!
  • Grey WardenGrey Warden Alum Member
    813 karma
    Thank you so much guys, happy studying!
  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    7468 karma
    All great advice. Repetition is the key, almost meditative. With that in mind, it's good to have a mantra. And JY gave us the best mantra: "write small, fast and neat". Seriously, once you've got your "or" and "not both" rules memorized and you've truly internalized that either negating the sufficient condition or affirming the necessary condition makes the rule irrelevant, it all comes down to "write small, fast and neat."
  • Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
    578 karma
    I might be an unpopular opinion, and I might get flamed, but it may be advisable to shoot for 3 games on the test. Why? Well.. they usually place the kicker at the end, and it usually only has 5 questions. Why blow through the whole section inaccurately to get stuck on that last game anyway? Perhaps finding the ones with the most questions and doing those first, then hitting the acceptable situation question on the last game and shotgun bubbling is actually a wiser strategy?
  • Grey WardenGrey Warden Alum Member
    813 karma
    Thanks guys, I got the Cambridge bundle of pt 1-38 lg categorized for drilling same types of games,however i later found in some of the discussions that drilling the same types of games could be a bad idea since you already know what type of game it is which is not LSAT like :-/
    Still hoping that drilling the same kinds will help in making inferences rapidly.
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