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How to become "fluent" in logic

Hi everyone!
Thank you for reaching out after my last post, it was incredibly helpful! I was wondering if anyone had advice for how to become more fluent in logic? I feel like I'm spending a lot of time thinking it over instead of it being natural. Did flashcards help anyone? Or was it more just heavy repetition of logical reasoning and then intense blind review? Thank you!


  • austinkelley3496-1-1austinkelley3496-1-1 Core Member
    18 karma

    Flash cards have been very beneficial for me in solidifying conditionals and abstract wording conditionals. Usually I will try to read the stimulus and translate in my head, i.e. If we have this "thing" then they have this "quality" and so forth. Just breaking the sentences down into bite sized chunks that you can internalize to help you understand the stimulus more. Hope this helps!

  • Arete_SouthbayArete_Southbay Live Member
    367 karma

    One that really helped me improve my logic was writing out PR and PFL question. I would diagram the stimulus, and do the same for the each answer choices. This drill is perfect for PR/PF question due to their nature of being packed with conditional logic. Good luck.

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