PT53.S2.G4.Q21 - If Pavlovich and Tsudama are teammates, then...

Rev_LefeRev_Lefe Member
edited September 2021 in Logic Games 385 karma

Hi, could someone please help explain what exactly does the stimulus here "for how many of the individuals can it be exactly determined where his or her team places" really ask?

I though it asked those individuals whose specific teams can be determine. But by this read, only S's team is determined while the second-placed and third-placed teams still can't be determined.

I would really appreciate if someone can help. Thanks for your time.

Admin Note:


  • edited September 2021 50 karma

    it means, l.e, you know t and p are the same team rank 2nd, and n rank third. however, the team name only s is known to be g, we dont know whether pt is h or not, the same goes to n. m and o are not known, where o is free agent.

  • only s is completely known, group is in and rank.

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