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Discrepancy between multiple LR sections

So I feel like I'm seeing a bit of a pattern in my practice tests, that being that I tend to do worse on the first Logical Reasoning section, even if that section is "easier"(in terms of how 7sage rates the difficulty of the sections). Of course I'll have no idea what section is the experimental on the actual LSAT, or if there will even be two Logical Reasoning sections, but does anyone have any advice on why this may be happening, or how stop it from happening?


  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    Do you do a warm-up before taking your PTs? It could be that you just need to get a few questions under your belt before you take the section. The warm up could be as few as 2-5 questions just to get you in the mindset.

  • mkdioceemkdiocee Member
    79 karma

    @sarakimmel said:
    Do you do a warm-up before taking your PTs? It could be that you just need to get a few questions under your belt before you take the section. The warm up could be as few as 2-5 questions just to get you in the mindset.

    I don't do a warm up, since I've always been worried it would throw me off if I got some wrong, but now that's looking like a good idea! Do you have a recommendation on where to find warm up questions? Like should I just use an old PT and answer a few?

  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    Just make a problem set of the first few questions on an old test. You shouldn't check your answers, just answer a few to get the mental juices flowing.

  • mkdioceemkdiocee Member
    79 karma

    @sarakimmel said:
    Just make a problem set of the first few questions on an old test. You shouldn't check your answers, just answer a few to get the mental juices flowing.

    Okay, thank you! I'm totally going to give this a try.

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