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Test Change-Looking for advice

jobama91jobama91 Core Member
in General 38 karma

I'm looking for thoughts on my current situation-- I'm a first-time test taker, and I have studied consistently since around the end of May. I planned on taking the LSAT once, and maybe twice if I drastically underperformed. Sadly, I have let the Nov. date get away from me.

Originally, my plan was to test in October since I wanted to get applications in around Thanksgiving-- but now I'm wondering if I should reschedule. My goal score was a 165, and until about two weeks ago I was PT'ing consistently in the low 160s, with a -4 or -6 on LR, -4/-5 on RC.

Recently though, something clicked for me in LR, and I've gone -0/-1 several times, along with several -1 to -3 scores on RC. My last PT (92) was my best, a 168 with LR -1, RC -3, and LG -7--which is actually one of my best LG sections to date. LG has killed my score since the very beginning and it is so frustrating.

Anyway, I say all that to ask, in light of my recent improvements-- should I pay the fee, postpone to Nov., and try to find some help with LG, or just stick with October? I hate wondering how much higher my score could have been with a better LG performance, but I don't know if I have enough time to improve any on LG/ if the time I'd lose on early application submission is worth it... anyway, any help/advice is appreciated!

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