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Applying in December but Re-taking in January?

kystwer571kystwer571 Member
edited December 2021 in Law School Admissions 35 karma

So like many others, I didn't do too hot on November's test. I was interrupted several times during the LG and RC sections and even filed a complaint that LSAC completely ignored. So as disappointing as it is, I at least know that that test wasn't indicative of my best performance, and I know that I can do great in January. However, I wanted to apply in December, which means I'd have to apply with my current score. I've heard that if I apply now and retake in January, my application will have still counted as being sent in December even without a final score. Is this true? I'd really like to be able to do this so I can submit my applications early and then spent the next month grinding on for January's test.


  • 48 karma

    From what I understand, your file is complete and will be reviewed only when you indicate you want it to be reviewed. So if you want them to wait until your Jan scores come out (in Feb), then that’s when your file will be considered. But if you want them to review now and still want to take Jan, you can write to the admissions office and indicate that or just not indicate in your application that you’ll take the Jan test, but this means the possibility of an admissions decision being made before your Jan scores come out! But of course, each school has its own policy, and it is usually indicated in their website, on the LSAC application itself or you can always contact admissions

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