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Thank You 7Sage!

Wyatt 170Wyatt 170 Member
edited December 2021 in General 33 karma

Hello all, just wanted to show my gratitude to JY and the 7sage team. I got a terrific result on the november lsat and I owe it all to them.

I started out in mid 2020 with a diagnostic of 153. I was initially super discouraged, but stuck with it and made incremental gains over the course of a year. My LG went from -18, to -10, to -6, to a band of between perfect and -3. LG was always my weak spot, and fool proofing was huge for me. For anyone feeling discouraged, stick with it. What JY says about fool proofing is 100% correct. It isn't sexy, and it can be a royal pain, but it pays major dividends.

RC was also really tough for a really long time, but after working with a terrific tutor and sticking with the 7sage curriculum as well, I found a method that works for me. I'm a huge believer in the idea that for RC specifically, you have to have a methodology that forces you to engage with the text. For me, that was heavily using the underline feature, and summarizing each paragraph. It isn't pretty, but it worked.

Fast forward to the november test, I pulled out a score in the mid 170s. I really couldn't have done it without the 7sage program. I have become the world's biggest stan on the lsat subreddits and recommend the course to my buddies looking to start studying.

To anyone struggling, please don't quit. You can do it.


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