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Which PTs are you supposed to take?

Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
edited December 2021 in General 2244 karma

Once you finish the CC, should you just do the most recent PTs (like the most recent 20 or 30)? Or should you start with older PTs then move to some newer PTs so you don't "use up" all of the most recent PTs? I ask because I always hear that more recent PTs are quite a bit different than PTs from, say, ten years ago. I don't want to waste time taking old PTs that aren't very similar to more current tests, but I also don't want to burn through all the newer tests if that's not how it's meant to be done. Any help/advice is much appreciated!


  • itonydelatorreitonydelatorre Core Member
    edited December 2021 158 karma

    Depends on how many you take per week, how far out from your test you are (if you even have a date picked yet), and more.

    It's definitely true IMO that the more recent PTs are more valuable, it makes sense. I wouldn't say the older ones are so different that they are a waste, it's more that, the people putting together your test are more likely to have been involved in the more recent tests, they will better reflect recent trends and stuff like that. The skills are transferable though, which still gives them value.

    Currently, I full PT stuff in the 59-92 category. I've excluded the recent 10. I used 5 or the most recent 10 leading up to my last take, I am now dipping into the remaining of those in the lead up to January.

    I will use material from the 36-58 category for problem sets and drills. After I finish a PT and look at where I struggled, I'll grab similar question types from these tests and work on them throughout the week before my next full PT. Ill also grab games from here and stuff, as I try and do at least one hard logic game per day. I am saving the 50-58 tests though, and not grabbing things from these. In case January doesn't meet my expectations and I want one more time, I do want some extra to fall back as I start to burn through more of 59-92

  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2244 karma

    @itonydelatorre thanks a ton for that answer! That seems like a very reasonable approach and helps clear up my question a lot. I wish you luck on the January test!

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