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B vs A

Answer B vs A....why?


  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    @andycwjr said:
    Answer B vs A....why?

    Hi there,

    In order for the community to better assist you, can you please let us know which PrepTest question you would like help with?

    We recommend that you post your questions in the following formats:

    1. Format for posting questions about specific Reading Comprehension (RC) questions:
      "PT#.S#.Q# (P#) - brief description of stimulus" E.g. PT60.S1.Q7 (P4) - weakened immune system cancer

    2. Format for posting questions about specific Logic Games (LG) questions:
      "PT#.S#.Q# (G#) - brief description of question" E.g. PT40.S2.Q7 (G2) - could be true of the study

    3. Format for posting questions about specific Logical Reasoning (LR) questions:
      "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of question" E.g. PT37.S1.Q12 - Political scientist: Efforts to create a more egalitarian

    You can see our Forum Guidelines here.

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