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issues with time management (studying and drilling)

Aiesha G.Aiesha G. Alum Member
in General 199 karma
As most of you know, my original plan was to start my studies by completing the trainer. But I am really thinking about using 7sage as the main curriculum because I find it a lot harder to read and focus with my son around. I also try reading at work,which is more successful than doing so at home, but it is a very slow process. I am making progress but I am not able to adhere to the schedule provided by the trainer and I am at least two weeks behind in drills! Smh. I think maybe if I had 7sage's video course I could move through the curriculum faster and have more time to effectively drill since I won't be as tired from reading.

I spend most of my time attempting to read the chapter, getting interrupted during drills, and then going to work only to be met with more interruptions. After my chaotic studies are over for the day, I wake up the next day and barely remember a thing lol. Then the vicious cycle starts all over again. A slow, grueling, non-efficient process that doesn't allow me to maximize my full potential. By no means do I think it will be a magic solution, but I think using the 7sage course will be more beneficial because of my lifestyle. I can simply sit back and actively listen, which is a lot less time consuming than actively reading. What do you guys think? Anyone else experiencing a similar issue?


  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    1489 karma
    In less than ideal situations, I think the videos will be helpful. They can provide you with a framework/understanding of the fundamentals that may even help you when you return to the Trainer lessons.

    Personally, I started with 7Sage and only discovered the Trainer later on in my studies. I'm glad that I did things in that order. The Trainer is very "big picture" oriented and working through the 7Sage curriculum first can help bring all that information down to specific, easily understood concepts.

    Hope that helps.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    I agree with @brna0714 as we were both 7Sagers first and LSAT Trainers second. The Trainer is much easier to progress through if you already built your foundation through the videos on 7Sage. While others did it in the other order, I have felt this has worked for me. And I worked through 7Sage with a lot of distractions at work and was still able to get a lot out of it (headphones always help), and I'm sure I couldn't have done the same with the Trainer, so it sounds like 7Sage would be the way to go and then you can supplement with the Trainer later on when you have the opportunity.
  • Controller779Controller779 Alum Member
    221 karma
    Do you mind me asking what kind of costs it's running at?
  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    1489 karma
    @jamesjentucker - Do you mean the Trainer or 7Sage?
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @Pacifico said:
    The Trainer is much easier to progress through if you already built your foundation through the videos on 7Sage.
    This depends very much on what kind of a learner you are. It's much more difficult for me to fully pay attention to a video than it is a book. About 80% of my courses in undergrad were seminars with fewer than 10 people in them (and involved as much 1,000 pages of reading per week), and I immensely preferred this format to lectures that involved much less reading.

    @"Aiesha G." Sure, try switching to 7sage at this point, but I would be wary of looking for a silver bullet. This test is about the effort we put in as individuals. Prep materials are just tools to help us get to the point where we can do the hard work on our own. The LSAT doesn't reward choosing the better prep materials (though that is part of overall success) ... It rewards mastering the LSAT. If there were truly one path to mastery, then we would all be on that path and there would be much less discussion of materials.
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