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Am I Behind on Logic Games?

Controller779Controller779 Alum Member
in General 221 karma
I have been studying since January, for the October test. On July 4th I plan to make the big transition to the PT stage for the final three months.

However, I am finding Logic Games to be very, very deadly!

Currently on 21 of 35 sets in the LG bundle and I can still barely complete a game (aside from simple sequencing) without having to turn to the video - and that's after 30/40 minutes on each game.

I read on here of many folks who have nailed LG by the time they start PTing, and I am worried that I have slipped far behind with this section.

Did others enter the PT stage still really struggling with LG? I should be able to improve lots in 3 months, but it's going to need to be done while PTing.

Anywords of wisdom, violin playing, welcomed!


  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    I haven't struggled with LG, but I would say this. If you're having trouble, fundamentally there is something not clicking. I would probably abandon the LG bundle for right now, go right back to the lessons on LG, and make sure you go through each one offered. I went through that section twice and if I got any wrong on the example games provided, I drilled them and did them over and over and over again until I got all the right answers. Those are the most basic games you'll be given so having a clear understanding of the inferences you make in those games will be needed. That's my 2 cents!
  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    7468 karma
    Are you foolproofing, printing out 10 copies? It took 6 months, but now I'm averaging -3 or less on LG because I've drilled Logic games every day.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Check out the link below if you haven't before, it is the strategy I used that was like an abbreviated version of fool proofing. If you haven't been fool proofing or doing something similar to what I posted then I'd say stick with the bundle a bit longer and try it out, if you have been and it is not working then you need really analyze what your issues are and then go back to the lessons and shore up your LG skills
  • Controller779Controller779 Alum Member
    221 karma
    I've only been doing each game 4 times, so I've literally (yes, literally) just printed off six copies of every game from sets 1-21, and will spend the next week or so drilling them.

    That should help a lot, to flex the inference muscles. Think my error has been moving onto new games too quickly.
  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    1489 karma
    @jamesjentucker said:
    I can still barely complete a game (aside from simple sequencing) without having to turn to the video - and that's after 30/40 minutes on each game.
    When you say you're taking 30/40 minutes on a game and not getting it, can you tell us what that might actually look like? What I mean is, are you staring at the page confused? Are you writing things down but not finding the right inferences?

    I know you're currently going through the LG Bundle but what did your LG prep look like before you started working through those? Your question reads like you've been working through the curriculum. Did you have more luck when completing the same type of game back to back?

    Sounds to me like you need some help with finding inferences and these can be easier to spot when repeatedly completing the same game (foolproof) or when completing the same type of game over and over again but we should be able to provide more specific help when we know where you're getting tripped up.
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