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Living Expenses in Law School

I recently received a full tuition scholarship at a school I plan on attending. While I feel incredibly fortunate, I have been concerned about living expenses while in school. For background, I am a non-traditional student, already working for 8 years and am now going back to school. My wife and I would move from dual income to solo income on a teacher's salary.

My question is: what are my options (other than loans) to help with living expenses and other law school fees/computer/books? I am having a hard time finding scholarships that are not for tuition - most are saying they send money directly to the school. I have also reached out to the school, but they are not willing to provide for those other expenses. I understand living frugal and making sure I have some money saved up to tide my wife and I over until I can hopefully get a part time job in 2L, but at this stage in my life, I really want to avoid taking out loans if possible. Any advice on where to look for this type of financial aid? Does it exist?


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8486 karma

    School dependent but I've found the loans to be sufficient. My wife ended up working anyway because more money is better than less, but we could have made it work either way. I was concerned that I might have to tap into my IRA, but we haven't even come close to needing to. Get with your school's financial aid office and ask for the budget, then ask admissions to hook you up with current students that have families.

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