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Advice needed before the March 2022 exam

CorgiCanLSATCorgiCanLSAT Member
edited January 2022 in March 2022 LSAT 60 karma

Hi everyone,

I am signed up for the March 2022 exam and would love any advice on my situation:

My goal score is a 170, and I have taken 6 full PTs (five in the 70s and one in the 80s) scoring in the 162-165 range with my blind review scores in the 172-177 range. My typical-timed breakdown is:
-1 to 0 LG
-4 to -3 in LR
-10 to -8 in RC

Given that we’re a little under 6 weeks away, would improving to my goal score before the March test be doable?

If so, what else could I be working on given the time span? My focus is surely on RC along with 1-2 full PTs/week with thorough review (and rewatching recorded takes). Thank you in advance! 🙏


  • RaphaelPRaphaelP Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    1121 karma

    I think this is probably not super realistic, and I'd suggest having another test registration as a backup. The reason I'm hesitant to say this is super likely is that 6 weeks just isn't a ton of time - doing well on the real day, in my experience, requires PTing at or above your target score over a fairly extended timeframe (think 10 or so PTs). Most scorers have a test day penalty of a few points, so I'd want you to be PTing at around a 172-173 consistently for me to feel confident that you'd hit the 170. The other limiting factor is that LG is the easiest section to quickly improve in but, as you know, you're already superb at LG. RC and LR take time.
    However, definitely don't be discouraged! Over a slightly longer timeframe, those are super realistic goals. If you shoot to take this in late spring/early summer, I think this looks a lot more realistic. Doubly so if you're studying more than just a few hours a week/closer to full-time.

  • CorgiCanLSATCorgiCanLSAT Member
    edited February 2022 60 karma

    @RaphaelP said:
    I think this is probably not super realistic, and I'd suggest having another test registration as a backup. The reason I'm hesitant to say this is super likely is that 6 weeks just isn't a ton of time - doing well on the real day, in my experience, requires PTing at or above your target score over a fairly extended timeframe (think 10 or so PTs). Most scorers have a test day penalty of a few points, so I'd want you to be PTing at around a 172-173 consistently for me to feel confident that you'd hit the 170. The other limiting factor is that LG is the easiest section to quickly improve in but, as you know, you're already superb at LG. RC and LR take time.
    However, definitely don't be discouraged! Over a slightly longer timeframe, those are super realistic goals. If you shoot to take this in late spring/early summer, I think this looks a lot more realistic. Doubly so if you're studying more than just a few hours a week/closer to full-time.

    Thanks for your response, Raphael! I am currently studying full-time and I have been encouraged to delay my test, since March would be my first take and I wouldn't want to use up the score preview ability if there's a relatively good chance I don't score my goal.

    That being said, over my six PTs taken over the past month, My LR score has certainly improved (I started from - 11 on my first PT), but my RC score has dramatically diminished (I started on - 4 on my first PT!). So for the past month, I've basically exchanged my scoring ranges between these two sections to somehow end up at my first PT score of 165.

    To attempt to offer an explanation: I have refined my LR approach during that improvement but have continuously tried different RC approaches which led to that decreased performance. I believe that I'm missing that "click" with RC, so once I can figure that out, I would see major improvement again.

    Though I only have until this Thursday, 2/3, to reschedule my test to April for free (2/11 w/ a fee), I'm still grappling with what I should do.

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