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Anyone else getting low scores the week before the exam??

mk940808mk940808 Alum Member
in General 209 karma
I am freaking out right now. I've been studying for about 5 months now and since taking the September LSAT, I was scoring at a 171 average timed (range between 169-173). Over the past week I've been consistently getting between 165-169. I don't know what to do! I've taken almost all of the PTs so even if I skip out on the Dec LSAT and take an ENTIRE year off my life (at HUGE opportunity cost -- I don't understand how people can be so cavalier about it), I don't have enough materials to continue studying so I don't know how much it would even help. Anyone else experiencing this? Any words of advice?


  • allie.vandineallie.vandine Free Trial Member
    57 karma
    Nearly the exact same thing is currently happening to me, down to the score range. I'm not sure that I have any advice, per se, but that the diagnosis of my situation from my family and boyfriend is that I'm in my own head about it and putting way too much pressure on myself (because I'm in the same boat--not doing well on this exam means I have to sit out this application cycle, essentially).

    I am trying to break the streak by adjusting my attitude (the LSAT isn't in charge, I am, and also if I view this as a crisis-about-to-happen that's precisely what it will be) and taking one last PT tonight. I'm not sure if that's helpful, but you're definitely not alone (and good to hear I'm not either!)
  • stgl1230stgl1230 Member
    821 karma
    It sounds like you need a break. If you have an average for tests this last week, it sounds like you are taking a lot of tests. Maybe give yourself a day or a half day off - I know that this works wonders for me. Or, if you don't want to stop studying, maybe just do one section at a time - if you've already taken multiple tests, it may be ok to step back from taking 4-5 sections at once.
  • BreeBreeBreeBree Member
    edited December 2016 219 karma
    Same thing happening here, maybe we are freaking out too much? for instance i did really well on prep test 78, but took pretest 79 today and scored 9 points worse than my usual score hm.... At this point I'm just going to drill and rest.
  • Vickpetrosian1Vickpetrosian1 Free Trial Member
    edited December 2016 139 karma
    check it out PT 79....LR -4 LG -5 ( usually 2-3), -3LR........-14 RC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IN THE SH********T!
  • mk940808mk940808 Alum Member
    209 karma
    @allie.vandine :'( it's so annoying! Last time I took the LSAT I ended up doing worse than I was PTing and I'm really afraid it will happen again. I'm getting BR of 178~ so I don't know why this is happening :'( but yeah I think I'm going to take @stgl1230's advice and chill out until Saturday. I've been taking a PT everyday to build up my stamina but yeah maybe I'm burning out. Going to try the whole adjusting my attitude thing but it's hard when I've put so much work into it and the possibility of failure is terrifying.
  • mk940808mk940808 Alum Member
    209 karma
    @BreeBree @Vickpetrosian1 Yeah the Sept LSAT was horrendous, especially the RC. I got the worst score I've ever received on the LSAT there :'( Went from -2-3 on LG to -7 and did soooo much worse on LR than I ever thought I would.

    Hopefully this LSAT will be better.. I think the best thing to do would be to go in with a clear head and calm nerves.
  • mk940808mk940808 Alum Member
    209 karma
    Oh and if you haven't taken the LSAT yet, DO NOT SCORE YOURSELF FROM NOW TIL TEST DATE. This is SUPER important -- there's not much to gain and soooo much to lose!!!
  • Vickpetrosian1Vickpetrosian1 Free Trial Member
    139 karma
    honestly... this might have been the weirdest flowing lsat there was no flow ... of hard to easy like in every test I've taken with the exception of the Chinese talk story RC difficulty has gone up down regularly this one is psychological difficult something about these questions tired me out today!!
  • CocoZhangCocoZhang Alum Member
    476 karma
    I consistently scored 170-175 (175+ after BR) until the last three PTs before the September test. I scored two 168 and an inflated 172 for the last three. I basically told myself that it's not representative of my entire PT process and just didn't let the lower scores influence me. I was also really wanted to do another PT few days before the test day just to prove myself. But I held back and followed my initial plan. Guess what, I achieved a 177.
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28068 karma
    Yeah, don't worry about it guys. You hit a dip. It happens. For you, it happened the week before the test. It's not going to affect your score unless you let yourself panic because of it. I think Coco is the best example of this that I know. Keep cool, and you'll be fine.
    @CocoZhang said:
  • BreeBreeBreeBree Member
    219 karma
    @Vickpetrosian1 @mk940808 omg yes! 79 was bad my LR score was unusual, lg was a -4 which was due to that last -excuse my language- fucked up game about the viruses and RC was -7. Light drilling Friday and hoping for the best Saturday. Good luck everyone !!!
  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10806 karma
    @BreeBree said:
    hoping for the best Saturday. Good luck everyone
    Hey you will be great. Don't stress and just kick LSAT's butt!

    Good Luck!
  • DEC_LSATDEC_LSAT Alum Member
    760 karma
    idk if i'm alone in this but when i took 79 i was EXPECTING a tough test because of all the horror stories i heard on this site so i think that may have affected our confidence going into it. I positive the comments affected me. i was expecting a disaster lol
  • jennilynn89jennilynn89 Alum Member
    822 karma
    Totally happened to me too! I stopped scoring PT's a week ago because of it. Just doing light drills up until the test and taking care of myself mentally to stay positive and try to reduce all of the anxiety and stress.
  • charles.sims.farrcharles.sims.farr Free Trial Member
    2 karma
    Same thing happening here, I've found that it really only happens when I do tests straight through. When I drill specific sections, I general go minus what I had been doing at my best. Granted test day entails taking them all back to back, but drilling individual sections has essentially confirmed that it's not my strategies or skills that are wrong, more just psyching myself out!

    So, maybe just drill 4 sections, no stress, do well, feel good about it and just remember that if you stick to your guns, you'll be a-okay!
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