PTF97.S3.Q13 - Treasure hunter and ship in peril

moonstars5678moonstars5678 Member
edited February 2022 in Logical Reasoning 166 karma

I originally picked C but think I get why C is right - can someone validate my thinking?

-Context basically (even though it came from treasure hunter): maritime law says that when people risk their lives to save a ship in peril, they can keep whatever they want.
-Treasure hunter: For ships that have basically been wrecked for a long time, treasure hunters get to keep cargo since they risk their lives to save the ships from oblivion
-Archaeologist: No, you don't get to keep cargo since these shipwrecks are stable. They're not in danger from anything (aka not in peril) - the only annoying thing they have to deal with are greedy treasure hunters.

C - Originally I thought that the archaeologist was arguing that the hunters weren't actually being heroic or risking their lives (the "shipwrecks have stabilized over the centuries they have lain underwater" somehow made me think that she was arguing that the waters around the ship were still aka hunters were not risking their lives.) But I guess my confusion was it seemed that she was arguing that the ship wasn't in peril and therefore the hunters weren't even risking their lives?

The main "devils advocate" to that statement would be that maybe the hunters ARE risking their lives but the they're not saving the ship from oblivion.

D - Archaeologist seems to agree with this statement that the maritime law can apply here. She's just saying that the ship is literally not in disarray at all and have nothing to save.

B - Speaks to the fact that "the only danger [the ships] are in" is from "greedy treasure hunters."



  • kwillar9kwillar9 Member
    248 karma

    I can only approach these hard disagree/agree questions by crossing off each AC after reading only one argument.

    Doing this and thinking about AC C, the archeologist doesn't have any opinion on this (risking their lives). It's easy to assume that the archeologist is saying, "Not so" to the entire conclusion of, "under this rule treasure hunters clearly are entitled to keep the cargo from ancient shipwrecks that they risk their lives to save from oblivion in public waters." Still, I don't think he is trying to do that. He is only saying "not so" to treasure hunters getting to keep the treasure under this rule, and his argument rests on the ships being stabilized (not in peril).

    Really hard question. Under timed conditions, I would have probably chosen C too.

  • moonstars5678moonstars5678 Member
    166 karma

    @kwillar9 That makes sense, thank you! With these harder PAI questions, having to understand MSS for both of arguments is definitely where it gets tricky for me.

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