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September 9th LSAT Study Group

Stephen YoungStephen Young Core Member
edited March 2022 in Study Groups 25 karma

Hello! I'm currently studying for the September 9th LSAT with a goal of 171+! I am diagnosed with ADHD, I'm a Math teacher, and I plan on studying roughly 2 hours a day. I would like to study virtually but am not opposed to studying in a nice public environment if you are apart of the study group and are also in Houston, TX. As of 3/4/2022 I completed the Introduction to Logic content and should be starting Assumptions and weakening questions tomorrow. If you're at a sooner or later lesson that's perfectly fine too! I'm sure we can still benefit from being in a group. I just want a study group to crush the LSAT with! I don't care what your diagnosed score is, I believe we all are capable of learning the LSAT and I would love to learn from one another! Plus we also learn a large amount from teaching and reviewing concepts with one another. I've PT'd 159-163 if interested and am committed to making the 170+ dream come true. Also if you're potentially interested in Teach For America I'd love to share my experience with it so far if you're an undergraduate student considering gap years or a career change before crushing the LSAT!

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