Help with frustration? - Not feeling like I am learning anything?

Lucky4YouLucky4You Core Member
in General 38 karma

Hello all, I am new to 7Sage, not entirely new to the LSAT, took it for the first time last January and scored a 158 after studying for 3 months on my own with Khan and some popular books.

Ive heard amazing things about 7Sage but I am just not sure if its right for me.

Im extremely frustrated and confused by the core curriculum layout. It has you learn a type of question drill it like 50 times and then moves on to the same thing with a new type of question. Well by the time ive completed the drills, I try to go back to complete some questions of the previous type and I cant seem to remember the strategies and or I mix it with the one I just completed.

I feel like im spinning my tires here. Is this normal for the beginning of the CC? Do I just trust the process?

In my other study material it strongly advised against practicing one type of question over and over in an attempt to master it as it would take away from the ability to tackle different types of Q's back to back, Im worried I am experiencing this.

I am no expert on the LSAT or studying for it, but I see the success 7Sage has afforded others and Im frustrated because I just dont see any progress.

Is this normal? When will I start to feel like im actually progressing?


  • catbellycatbelly Core Member
    229 karma

    For me, it was really helpful to think big picture as I studied. It's been a while since I did the CC, but finding patterns in each question type and looking at the logical structure of all the problems made it clearer that the test is pretty mechanical. I think repeating all of the problem sets are pretty unnecessary, and I don't really know too many people who've done all the problem sets that are on the CC, but watching the videos and doing a few to get a good sense of the structure & some of JY's tips is good! I really think it's AFTER the CC that you grow a lot as you find what question types you're having trouble with, what sections are difficult, etc. Good luck!

  • divya326divya326 Member
    60 karma

    I felt similar to you at one point. I recommend not doing all the drills, and saving some for later when you feel like your memory or skill on a certain LR question type is fading. But the issue you're describing is pretty unique to LR. The CC for games and RC builds more and is less distinct by q type, because of the general nature of the section types. I think long term you'll be surprised by how much you remember, but saving some drills especially once you hone in on your weaker spots is a good idea. Hope this helps and don't give up yet!

  • FutureQlawyerFutureQlawyer Member
    44 karma

    Slow down, focus on understanding, not speed.

  • Lucky4YouLucky4You Core Member
    38 karma

    I just want to say thank you for the feedback, I was frustrated. I think that is apparent. I know im not the only one that has felt this way or feels this way.

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