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7Sage or Trainer for LR?

ineedsleepineedsleep Alum Member
Hey guys,
I was just looking for some advice on improving my LR scores.
I'm studying for the October test and just found out about 7Sage about a week ago. I've already gone through a few of the LG video explanations and found them really helpful, but I'm more worried about my scores on LR. I started studying with the Trainer about a month and a half ago and I've done a few PTs but my LR scores are barely improving (whereas I feel as though I'm getting a pretty good grasp on RC and LG between the Trainer and the 7Sage LG videos I've seen so far). To anyone who has used both the Trainer and 7Sage for LR, would you recommend 7Sage for LR? I've gone through the curriculum for the Starter course and it seems really thorough, but I'm just wondering whether it covers pretty much the same information as the Trainer - do I just need to spend more time with the strategies I've learned from the Trainer, or does 7Sage teach different methods for LR that can help me?
Thanks in advance for your help!


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    I did 7Sage all the way through and then picked up the Trainer. They complement each other very well and I like both of their approaches for LR. I'd get through all the logic portions of 7Sage and then reintegrate the Trainer as you see how each resource approaches the different question types. Between the two I think you'll find plenty of helpful strategies.

    Also, depending on whether you prefer video lectures or reading will also probably show you which will be the better resource to learn from first, then fill in with the other one later.
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    I did 7Sage 1st then the Trainer and they go fairly well with each other. I really like how 7Sage does LR but it just depends on what you prefer. I like the videos on 7sage because I can always refer back to them if I do not understand a concept.
  • ineedsleepineedsleep Alum Member
    21 karma
    @Pacifico @emli1000 Thank you both for your input! I think I'll try 7Sage out just to see how I like it. Nothing to lose, I figure.
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