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Announcing Our Next Live LSAT Class [SOLD OUT]

Henry MerschatHenry Merschat Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
edited May 2022 in General 111 karma

Hello, hello, hello 7Sagers!

I'm very excited to announce that I will be teaching another ten-week LSAT course. If you're looking to master key LSAT concepts and strategies with the help of real, live 7Sage tutor, this is the course for you!

We will be meeting once per week for an hour at a time, and along the way I will be providing you with homework, drills, and a study plan so that you don't have to do any guesswork in preparing for this test. This course is perfect for anyone who is looking for a little more structure in their LSAT journey, with help along the way from study buddies and a teacher who knows what it takes to climb all the way to a 180.

The class will be limited to a total of SIXTEEN students, and sign-up is on a first-come, first-served basis. We will be beginning on Saturday, June 18th from 11am to noon EST and continue weekly until August 20th!

To sign up, visit this link:

For any questions, feel free to comment below and I'll be sure to answer!


  • adamschynna45adamschynna45 Member
    14 karma

    I'm interested!!

  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    Is this class useful for people who’ve already completed the CC?

  • Henry MerschatHenry Merschat Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    111 karma

    @"Matt Sorr" yes! I would categorize this as a mid-level class which is most useful to students who have completed some, but not necessarily all of the core curriculum. Wherever you are in the core curriculum, the guided practice and strategies covered in the course should help you improve!

  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    @"Henry Merschat" thank you!

  • mraemassimomraemassimo Alum Member
    21 karma

    I’m only about 20% through the core curriculum. Would you recommend that I wait until a later class or is this enough?

  • Scott MilamScott Milam Member Administrator Moderator Sage 7Sage Tutor
    1348 karma

    @mraemassimo Assuming you are actively working through the Core Curriculum, I would imagine you'll be fine by the time the class begins!

  • sum-g-00sum-g-00 Alum Member
    72 karma

    Is the HW/drills/study plan individualized or is it the same for everyone? Would we be able to focus on the sections we are most struggling with?

  • VikkdreamVikkdream Free Trial Member
    3 karma

    I am seriously new . I haven’t read anything.I just signed up and no idea where to start. I have a full time job too. Any idea where I should start ? Thank you

  • Henry MerschatHenry Merschat Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    111 karma

    @sumayyahghori00 in this course, the homework, study plan, and drills will be standardized but with more than enough flexibility for you to focus on your biggest problem sections. And if you have specific questions, you are always able to email your teacher!

  • Henry MerschatHenry Merschat Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    111 karma

    @victoria.x.morado I would recommend starting with core curriculum to get a better idea of where you are and what you need help with, and then consider signing up for tutoring or a class!

  • Hi Henry,

    I just added myself into your waitlist because your class seems to sold out. Do you think if there is any available spots coming out in the future? Thank you very much.

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