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WhatslsatWhatslsat Member
in General 476 karma

Hi all!

This is my second post today on an unrelated topic.

I didn't get into my top-choice (wait-listed at Columbia) last cycle and am reapplying. I am trying to figure out if I should matriculate this cycle regardless of the outcome (Big Law or not). In general, I think it's wise to reapply with new score and improved app but I'm turning 31 soon and starting to feel some pressure due to my low-income background and familial responsibilities. My parents will retire with no retirement savings and a whole lot of debt. These were the main reasons I was set on going to ~T30 schools (for regional BL opportunities and national portability).

Until recently, I was under the impression that employment outcomes for most graduates are largely bifurcated (either very well paying or not e.g., $190k vs $80k, I consider anything above $120k well-paid). But I met some people who went to T50~60 schools, work in mid-size firms, earn decent living (low end of six-figures e.g., $130k) and also have good work/life balance. Conversely, I personally know a few people who worked in BL for 3-5 years, suffered severe depression (even suicidal in one case), only to quit at the end. Obviously these are limited, small set of data but I'm starting to question whether BL is really the wise or the only path.

I want to know more about the middle-of-the-road outcomes like Mid Law. Does anyone else struggle about this? Everyone is unique but any of your thoughts or perspectives will be helpful both for myself and the community.

Thank you.


  • Lekdrup DorjeLekdrup Dorje Member
    38 karma

    I've had similar thoughts and would be curious to hear from someone with experience.

  • CSieck3507CSieck3507 Member
    1376 karma

    I feel this post. I have that BL or bust mentality as well. For the type of law I want to practice (Emerging Companies, Capital Markets, VC work) I almost have to go to a T14 school and so I struggle with this a lot. I am 26 and feel the getting older part of life and feel I need to go to law school now. I feel the pressure especially from my parents. But, it depends on the region you want to practice in. For example, if you go to a top regional school, you will have to finish in the top 15% for biglaw or just have outstanding network and interview skills where they will look past it. But, GPA is the number one thing getting you in the door for regional BL. If you go to a T14, the name pays for itself. If you finish in the top 50%, the chances of getting biglaw are very high just because of the school you go to. So at the end of the day you have to choose your battles. Put in as much work as you can for the LSAT and get a 170+ to get a shot at a T14. Or, get a great scholarship to a regional school and compete with 200+ other students for those top spots. There is no right answer, you have to decide where you are comfortable being at. Personally, I would hate my life if I went to a regional school, didnt do well and ended up doing litigation. I would rather wait another year or 2 and kill the lsat. But that is just me.

    A close example is a buddy of mine who got a full ride to San Diego Law and now is doing transactional work for a smaller boutique firm but he is doing what he wants to do. Probably will make 80K out of law school almost debt free (besides living expenses which are astronomical because of CA) and he finished in the middle of his class at a middle tier firm and hes happy. So, you just really have to figure out what you want to do at the end of the day. People can come on here and give you the greatest advice in the world but you still have to make that decision.

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