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This question doesn't have an explanation, so here's my thought process.
Question Stem- Principle Question
Stimulus- Machines and tech alter our choices. (example). Clock altered our choices by allowing synch +. HOWEVER, clock also closed some doors. Living without clock is kinda impossible now.
So Machines and tech that alter our choices can have some downsides as well.
A. This makes sense, however, the use of "enslave" and "liberate" sounds really extreme. Keep for now.
B. No. The stimulus no where says what people should and shouldn't do.
C. That MAY be true, however, not what the stimulus is saying.
D. The stimulus does not weigh the pros and cons, so we don't know if it was worth our dependence or not.
E. "Most"??? We only know about one instance that made our life more synchronized and productive. There MAY be more machines. However, that is not within the scope of the premises, and therefore out.
Only answer remaining- A. Correct.
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