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Timeline Question

HamurabiHamurabi Alum Member
edited July 2022 in General 71 karma

Hi everyone,

I am an international student going into my junior year and I am hoping to go directly to law school after college. In October, I am starting a year-long law program at the faculty of law at Oxford. I hear that the program is very intensive and I am bit worried about how realistic it would be for me to do LSAT prep while there. I am very hard working and driven which has also made more prone to burn out just because I always try to do too much and overthink everything (as you will see from this post). I am afraid the same would happen for my LSAT and Oxford program so I am seeking advice on how to go about it.

I did a diagnostic test and I got 139 and my goal is in the range of 167-172 (I need about 30 points increase which is a lot I know). I am really bad at standardized tests but I know I can improve with practice. I also like the learning that comes with LSAT so I am motivated in that way. I am willing to take as much time and effort as possible to reach my target score even if that means taking time off after college. But I also can't help but want to go directly to law school.

I have been working at a T14 law school and a top law firm this summer which has been a great experience. The general advice I would often hear with the legal professionals and my colleagues is that we highly recommend taking time off after college but they would tell me that they don't think I need that. They would say I am already mature enough and have the experiences of a professional. I am a couple of years older than the typical college student. This is not to brag but to give a perspective, I also founded my NGO at age 16, managed grants projects with +100k dollars budget, and I have lived and worked internationally. At my college, I have loved the academics and studying but it has been harder to connect with the rest of the student body because it feels that we are at different stages of our lives. Even my professors would say that I am like a grad student to them and I have built great relationships with them.

Now all that to say is I am impatient about law school and becoming a lawyer and I think I am ready for it. But I am also very insecure about my LSAT and ability to improve within that time frame I have left (a year) given my intensive academic program. What are your thoughts? Am I being irrational and paranoid? Do you think my LSAT target score is realistic within that timeframe? Also, should I just let go of studying for LSAT at Oxford and instead focus on my program there and plan to apply to law school in the 2024 or 2025 cycle?

I have noticed these forums have been very helpful others so wanted to give it a try and be as transparent and vulnerable about my worries as possible.

Thank you everyone!


  • Aastha SAastha S Member Administrator Sage 7Sage Tutor
    416 karma

    Hey! First off, I want to say that you have already built an incredibly impressive resume. You should be proud of all of the work you have done up until this point! With a year to study, you are in a great position to increase your score. The most important thing for you will be to create a schedule that is flexible enough to prevent burnout. Ensure that your studying is spread out, includes ample breaks, and is targeted towards building a strong foundation. Once you have your foundations set, your studying should be focused on pinpointing exact weaknesses so that every minute you do spend studying is productive and is helping you get towards your goal score! Having a schedule/system will be vital to getting there.

    To answer your specific questions, you are not being irrational or paranoid. As long as your studying is consistent, it is absolutely a realistic goal. Don't give up on your goals for applying to law school, you can do it!

    If you would like some additional support as you navigate studying for this test, feel free to schedule a free 30 minute consultation with one of the tutors here at 7Sage. We would be happy to talk about what the best next steps for your individual case would be. Good luck with your LSAT journey, I'm rooting for you!

  • HamurabiHamurabi Alum Member
    71 karma

    Thank you very much for this, Aastha! This is giving me a boost of confidence. I will come up with a study plan and create good habits to make it consistent. And hopefully after doing that for a year, I will be in a good place. But even if not, I am also mentally preparing myself to be fine with not getting there even after the hard work. I will reassess and give it another go if needed. I am just starting with the core curriculum but once I make some progress and get to PTs, I will defiantly reach out for more help and guidance. Thank you.

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