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LOR Question

in General 14 karma

I am trying to decide who would be better for my 3rd LOR. I already have two professors. Right now I am stuck between a college coach and an attorney who I've worked for this summer but do not know as well. Any advice?


  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    I think it’s almost always better to ask the person you’re closer to. They’ll have more to write about and in more detail. If the main reason you’re considering the attorney is because they’re an attorney, I’d go with the coach. Everywhere that I’ve read has always said admissions officers care far less about who wrote the letter and more about what’s in the letter (unless the letter was written by someone like your mom, of course). I’d only ask the attorney if you thought the coach couldn’t write about anything serious for whatever reason.

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