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Lsat Prep

Hi guys,

I am planning on taking the Lsat for the third time. My first two times I got a 146 and 148. The problem with my studying was that I did not take the time to prepare for the exam properly and did not have a good studying schedule. This time around, I plan on studying for the test 4-5 months in advance to ensure that I will get the desired grade which is 160+. Currently I am thinking of studying each section separately for approximately a month, and then have a month or two of only doing PTs and focusing on my weak section which probably will be reading comprehension. Each day therefore, would be separated into 2 study sessions. One in the morning and another at night. If I am working on games for example, I would do 2 timed sections, go over all the questions (with emphasis on the ones I got wrong), take a break and then do another 2 timed games sections.

If you guys could share what worked for you while studying or what you think I might be able to do better with my scheduling please let me know.

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